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Everything posted by Tank

  1. this may sound like a stupid question, but what happens to a team's prospects? i'm guessing the angels prospects in arkansas will now relocate to mobile, is that accurate?
  2. holy mackeral, a Hubs sighting!! nice to see you again!
  3. AP has torn cartilage in his knee. could play as early as next sunday according to his coach, or he could be out for a few weeks. wentz has looked pretty good so far.
  4. disagree. we had been a very good team all year (well, after the first 20 games). got into the playoff and kicked butt. got into the series and held on, with an epic comeback in game 6 when it counted most.
  5. so are they going to give bean-o to the cows? how exactly do you go about cutting down on the number of cow farts produced?
  6. sounds like the trip of a lifetime, strad. hope it's amazing. just make sure you stop having sex for a few hours each day so you can see some of the sights.
  7. over one power outage. btw, belated congrats to the one single refinery in torrance on controlling gas prices for the entire socal area.
  8. This year, state employee pensions will cost taxpayers $5.4 billion, according to the Department of Finance. That’s more than the state will spend on environmental protection, fighting wildfires and the emergency response to the drought combined. And it’s more than 30 times what the state paid for retirement benefits in 2000, before the effects of the new pension law, SB 400, had kicked in, according to data from the California Public Employees’ Retirement System.
  9. It was a bit choppy at the beginning but worked itself out about halfway thru. It kind of jumped between NTSB hearing and the crash before settling in. Didn't see American Sniper - had it on the dvr but we just switched to directv and changed our equipment. Oh well.
  10. What is the patch they angels have started wearing on the right side of their hats?
  11. Sully - A wife and i saw it this morning. while they spend plenty of time showing you the forced water landing and what was going on behind the scenes, the focus of the movie was the NTSB investigation into whether or not they could have (and should have) landed the plane at an airport. it was very well done and struck all the right emotional chords. the special effects were very good.
  12. “Leftists have killed Traditional Liberalism on American campuses. This new hyper form of Political Correctness has transformed college students into petulant 6 year olds who, when challenged with an opposing point of view, throw temper tantrums or lock themselves in their rooms to suck their thumbs, “ said Mitchell Stern, UCI College Republican Treasurer “These so called Safe Spaces are an anathema to free expression and are a not so vailed form of ‘totalitarian group think’ where ideological deviation is not tolerated and outside opinions are to be destroyed, not challenged. Even President Obama acknowledged that Political Correctness on campuses are creating “coddled students.” said Robert Petrosyan, UCI College Republican Chairman Emeritus
  13. or it could have been used for a body dump. i swear, people here always run right to the negatives. come on, sheeple!
  14. i like what i've seen of the rams defense today. seattle running game has been kept in check. now, if only they could get their offense going.
  15. patriots lose garrapolo (sp?) but still win. haven't heard if his shoulder injury is serious. with the rams being back in town, we've had one less game on tv today, in case anyone was wondering. it'll come with the requirement from the league that their games be televised to the home market. we used to get two games at 10:00 and 1 game at 1:00 (or vice versa). that's gonna change.
  16. there were 141 faster than he, but irving was looking for 143.
  17. I can't believe what a bunch of forgetful freddies we have on this board. sign Trumbo to play third base.
  18. I'm going to need a safe space. How far is it to Yale?
  19. That Trout is that high up on the Angels all time homer list also points out how few, good, long term home hitters the halos have had.
  20. The 142nd fastest gun . . . in the west. irving.
  21. Didn't like Irving up our top two prospects and thought we got totally fleeced on this deal. glad to see that it's worked out better than anticipated. Simmons is fun to watch and he's hit better than hoped for.
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