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Everything posted by Tank

  1. of my friends, the SCOTUS rationale is one of the two reasons i hear for why they're voting for the donald. the other reason being that they can't stand hilary.
  2. thanks, chili. found another article explaining why pearson is suspended for the first two games of the season: http://www.dailynews.com/sports/20161005/nhl-suspends-la-kings-tanner-pearson-for-4-games?obref=obinsite
  3. i'd sign bailey to some kind of incentive-laden contract. he did well and deserves another year. plus he's insurance in case street blows chunks again next year.
  4. dodgers have a very special player in seager. if he plays like this his entire career, he's going to be a ton of fun to watch. i wonder if vin is at the stadium today to watch in person.
  5. you might be lucky enough to get his actual angels jersey.
  6. in successive weeks, rutgers has lost to THE Ohio State University 58-0 and that team from up north, 78-0. you know who thought it was a good idea to bring rutgers into the big 10? everyone except rutgers.
  7. i see that Budaj was sent down, so we're going with someone else as our backup goalie. anyone know who it might be? i can't seem to find any news about them.
  8. i ordered a johnny bench jersey last friday. hoping these guys are legit. email confirmation said it would be here in 1-2 weeks.
  9. he's a weightist, and anti-weight-ite, if you will.
  10. one of my 7th graders recently earned his promotion in boy scouts and invited me to his court of honor ceremony. was surprised to hear there was a merit badge for motor boating, and hoped like mad it involved a boat and some body of water.
  11. good to see that jose mota has a job in the off-season.
  12. a typical Facebook meme (Hi Glen!!).
  13. i don't mind a cheap option as long as they're productive at the plate and can field decently. but last year was a mess, and none of our cheap options really worked out well. i'd rather go with a known quantity like cespedes over the 37 different "cheap option" guys we tried last year.
  14. Why does it always seem to be officers who are about to retire or were recently hired?
  15. If I were going up agai st her in a debate I'd hammer the crap out of her for wanting open borders.
  16. the bigger point i was trying to make is that both candidates have said and done really stupid stuff and it hasn't made a hill of beans difference to their supporters. this is yet another one of those things, and it won't cause trump to lose support from his base. you know who's going to be most upset by this video? the people who were already not voting for him. i'm curious to see if hillary brings this up during the next debate. it brings into question morality, and i don't think either of them can win that argument.
  17. well then you have enough idiocy to last you for quite awhile from her.
  18. if the stuff that follows hillary all around isn't enough to sink her ship, and the stupid things trump has said hasn't sunk him yet, then i doubt this will really make any kind of difference.
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