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Everything posted by Tank

  1. ah, okay. i'll admit i don't understand the system very well, so thanks for the explanation.
  2. i think he'd be best to revise the things in obamacare that have caused the most problems, like getting rid of that stupid fine for people who opt not to buy in. he also needs to find a way to make sure that the poor are able to keep their coverage while those in the middle class who were totally screwed over by this idiocy are able to get quality health insurance at a reasonable price again, whether through the exchange or through their work. i'm not sure what other liabilities there are, but those have been the complaints i've seen the most. i think it would be a bad idea to completely scrap the whole thing and start over. i think it would cost him a lot of support with many voters, especially if he has plans of running for a second term against kanye.
  3. remember that image of the monkey throwing up? yeah, that's me right now.
  4. hillary = old and white probably has a bigger dong than many here.
  5. except now that she's going to be home all day too it may crimp his lifestyle. if she had won, he could have run all around the white house scouring for more interns.
  6. make a game of it. every time she says something like "doomed" or "trump" remove a piece of your clothing and repose alluringly on the sofa.
  7. i hope this is the final nail or two in hillary's coffin and that we never have to hear about her running for office ever again. she's old, there are questions about her health, and it's time for the clintons to go away into their million-dollar sachs goldman sunset years.
  8. i think the main thing most people want from trump is for him not to suck. i have no great expectations or hopes with him, but i really hope he doesn't screw things up. work on fixing illegal immigration, tax code reform, create jobs - do those things well and he'll be okay. if he tries to dump obamacare, he better have something in hand to replace or there's going to be plenty of trouble. on the whole, i expect he'll very likely be a one-termer (i felt the same about hillary).
  9. I hope this means the Clinton era has officially ended.
  10. What an incredible spectacle this has been. and coincidentally, I hope Madonna has a good set of knee pads and a lot of breath mints.
  11. She's in the pockets of big money and she's status quo, and it's been pretty clear that a huge portion of the country has had enough of that.
  12. your last name wouldn't happen to be rodham or clinton, would it?
  13. someone who promises to get rid of that idiotic california bullet train.
  14. my dad is similar to @Glen's dad. super republican who thinks all R's walk on water. try not to discuss things with him too much because he isn't very open-minded on issues.
  15. i was taught that Guero means "one who can't play golf for sh*t."
  16. nate, there are times when you paint with a brush far broader than your canvas.
  17. that's cool. if he wanted the legos for himself, then that would have made him a berner.
  18. women's rights! go hillary (except don't ever consider doing the topless thing in public)!
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