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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Didn't Carson want to eliminate the Dept. of Education?
  2. Given their reasonably warm relationship already, it's going to be interesting to see how it impacts the current US-Russian relationship.
  3. I see one major difference being ultra conservatives striking back against the gov't vs. disappointed dems striking back against society. There's no justification for either, really, and both responses are grossly disproportional.
  4. Yeah, I agree with this. I think he used it effectively. If he keeps spouting off like that, he's in trouble, but so far his tone has been very humble since Tuesday night, and I think that's extremely necessary in trying to calm things down. perhaps his handlers are finally getting through to him.
  5. 1. I'm glad you weren't hurt 2. Great analysis. I said in another thread that these protesters remind me of the anarchists that gather at things like the G8 summits in that they're just there to cause trouble and take advantage of the situation. Your firsthand account confirms that. 3. Seriously doubt very many of them voted.
  6. Official announcement of the team name coming on November 22.
  7. Eh, effigies don't bother me. There were plenty of them in the 70s and 80s in Europe for Carter and Reagan.
  8. I'd be interested in knowing how many of the protesters actually voted. I'm guessing not very many. The crowd strikes me as one of the anarchy crowds you'd see protesting a G8 summit.
  9. No, they just would have bought more ammo and canned food to restock their apocalypse bunkers in Montana and Idaho.
  10. I don't thinks cons would have done anything close to what we're seeing. Look at who's doing the majority of the protesting. They aren't people who understand democracy very well (see TORS's post) nor do they support republican viewpoints.
  11. Seriously, source? All of our rights apply equally; not a one of them supersedes another.
  12. Sorry, but your right to protest doesn't supersede my right to travel, go to work, go home, take my mom to the hospital, go get medicine, etc. screw the freeway blockers. Arrest all of them.
  13. san diegans rejected paying for the new stadium for the chargers. don't think they're going to stay there.
  14. this show continues to deliver with each episode. tonight was another rock solid one.
  15. Just an FYI, @mancini79 has an orgasm every time he sees this picture. We miss you, Ellie.
  16. outstanding. it'd be perfect if it had the #poornate hashtag on it somewhere.
  17. blocking the freeway - idiots. one guy went live with channel 9 and told them "we're doing this to block the flow of commerce and get our voices heard." the channel 9 anchors rightly pointed out that in LA county, hillary received 71% of the vote and that most of the people being inconvenienced by these moron protestors probably voted for her. i hate that blocking the fwy has now become a thing.
  18. i'm happy to say i voted for johnson. in the end, i just couldn't bring myself to vote for the donald, but also realized that whoever i voted for wouldn't have made any kind of difference in this very blue state. but it was important to me to have a clear conscience about it.
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