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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Another excellent decision from management. Other minor league teams will envy us!
  2. Heard him live once in SF. He was the opening act for George Carlin, and he wasn't very good.
  3. driving home tonight on the 210 W in the carpool lane near ontario. no traffic in front or behind me. a car suddenly appears very quickly behind me and tailgates. i'm on cruise control and have no interest in moving over. just as he suddenly appeared out of nowhere, he suddenly flashes his police lights and then passes me on the left (that section of road has extremely generous emergency lane room by the center median). it was an unmarked police car. instead of pulling me over, he just simply gassed it and drove around me, then shut off his police lights and drove past everyone in sight. it was a real dick move.
  4. trump being interviewed on 60 minutes sunday night. he gets asked about scrapping obamacare and says there are some parts of it he'll keep but by and large dump the rest of it. said he won't let time go by with people not having any coverage - he'll remove obamacare and replace it with trumpcare at the same time.
  5. good move on bringing in people who know the system and how it works. not bothered by having his family help. they've helped him all along and they seem to have good business acumen.
  6. Reserving judgement on this signing until I know whether he voted R or D.
  7. one of my issues with her was that i couldn't really point to anything and say "this is what she accomplished as senator/first lady/SoS." so much of her message seemed to center around "it's time for a female president, and here i am."
  8. there's an old saying that goes "never argue with an idiot/moron. they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." she played right into trump's game plan. i thought once the primaries were over that if she focused on what her plans were instead of going toe to toe with him on the insults, she would have destroyed him on 11/8. as it turned out, she played right into his hands. one of my friends said that essentially, she was up 3-1 and couldn't close the deal. feel free to add a brian fuentes/joe blanton analogy here.
  9. excellent point. i'd gather a fair amount of them likely don't have any idea who those two people are.
  10. from what i understand there are still some votes being counted and the final tally may actually favor trump.
  11. thanks for pointing that out. just for kicks i used google translate to try to figure out what it means. imagine my surprise when it said "domo arigato is a Japanese phrase that quite literally translates into 'people named after small towns in Northern California USA deserved to get kicked in the shins.' "
  12. i prefer to be called european-american, thank you very much.
  13. wait, you have a sarah maclachlan vinyl? even cez is shaking his head at you.
  14. Well we ought to be able to easily pick him out at the next aw.com gathering.
  15. I've seen the impeach trump now nonsense from a couple of people, too, including my cousins daughter who just graduated from college in May. people really, really don't understand what impeachment is.
  16. Boy, you are preaching the gospel. When I first started teaching one of my best friends told me how he wasn't going to use some new method that was presented at our teachers convention. When I asked him why not, he said that things in education are very cyclical, and that if wait long enough, it'll leave and then come back sometime down the road in a new and improved format. He told me this 33 years ago, and he's been terribly accurate.dont know long you've been teaching, but it looks like you figured it out also. besides, Differentiated Instruction is all the rage right now, something that any teacher worth his salt is already doing and will continue to do. our school doesn't use CC, so I can't really speak to it. The math examples I've seen look like they take a simple concept and make it unnecessarily complicated.
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