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Everything posted by Tank

  1. he'll set a new career high in homers, rbis, WAR, RC27, BABIP, and doubles, just against us alone. Napoli 3.0
  2. a lot of knuckleheads have already started using it. and you're right, this just isn't going to be fun.
  3. heard some law school teacher on the radio this afternoon who said that in our country, we don't punish someone by revoking their citizenship when they commit a crime.
  4. once again, the lawyer has spoken. keep up that kind of attitude and you'll be unemployed by spring.
  5. you're still making it arte's fault, and there's no evidence that that's the case.
  6. overrated: houston street underrated: guerra. he's got a very live arm, and with the right coaching, i think he could be an excellent reliever.
  7. i know you love to blame arte, and i'm sorry to interrupt you on this, but what if cespedes didn't want to come here? what if his agent told the halos not to bother? it's not always the fault of the team when a player signs elsewhere, and too many people around her forget this part of the equation far, FAR too many times.
  8. all time overrated would have to go to brandon wood. most underrated in the sosh era would be orlando palmeiro.
  9. man, this guy just hammered us for a few years, didn't he? he was like napoli v. 2.0
  10. when bush 41 was POTUS, there seemed to be a rash of flag burnings for various reasons, and the whole question of how people and law enforcement should respond became a national issue. comedian chris rock said that instead of banning flag burning we should simply make all flags out of fireproof materials. he didn't think 'flag warming' as he called it would ever be a big deal. as others have said, i'm not a fan of people burning the flag, and would probably be a lot more offended by it if i had served in the military, but i understand why people do it. honestly, i'm a lot more insulted by people in our country who walk on the flag or wipe their feet on it.
  11. that's because billy grabarkewitz is too old.
  12. this is the most truthful thing ever posted on this board.
  13. say hello to daphne oz. she's on a show called "the chew" on abc every day at noon.
  14. i nominate Bull from Night Court.
  15. similar to all those roman empire movies of the 50s and 60s where most of the actors had british accents.
  16. thanks for those details of your story, IP. for as long as i've known you, i hadn't heard them before. those were fascinating, and i'm glad your family survived. one of my former students is/was a berner who likes to get high and be as contrarian as can be to anyone he perceives to 'drink the koolaid.' he thinks castro was a great man for standing up to the US and not letting us push cuba around. he's wrorng on many, many levels.
  17. summers have had plenty of time off but lots of little things seem to fill them up, plus there's the daughter to consider, plus that whole "hey, we don't have any money left" thing. junior heads off to college next fall, and that'll be another big expense. it's also been a bit hard for me to travel because of my weight and my poor knees, but now that that's changing, it'll be easier for me to be mobile, and that'll be a big plus. i'd like to go to greece, paris, and egypt, and i'd really like to take a cruise on the st. lawrence waterway by montreal.
  18. agreed, TORS. what could be more realistic than a movie about a kid flying a billion dollar jet to make a bombing run/rescue mission with his kid pals.
  19. just know that right now i'm reaching through my computer screen and punching you in the throat for even suggesting such a thing.
  20. tarantino is a lying whore!! just shut up, quentin, just SHUT UP!!!!!!!
  21. retirement isn't too terribly far away for me, hopefully less than ten years. hoping the wife and i can hit some of those places we've always wanted to see. starting to make a list.
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