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Everything posted by Tank

  1. damn, now i'm hungry for a charbroiled burger.
  2. my guess would have been dr. archie "moonlight" graham.
  3. it would be funnier if this was in the joe blanton thread, or a thread about trout being fat. in this thread? not funny because it doesn't apply.
  4. well, how'd you make out yesterday? brother came through in a big way. got me a signed Johnny Bench bat ("1970 MVP, #1/5"), a signed Bench statue, and an authentic Drew Doughty WHC Canada jersey that actually fits now. We got my daughter an apple watch and she was blown away. spent several hours playing with and programming it. gave my wife the good news about our upcoming trip to maui. bought some hawaii-type things at a party store, like a lei, some umbrellas for tropical drinks, a coconut mug, etc., then placed them in a box in three layers. She had to go through the layers one at a time, and on the bottom was the envelope with the hotel vouchers and a brochure about the resort. She looked at me with the most puzzled look and then i told her than i had won the raffle and she broke out in tears, then came over and gave me a long, huge hug. It was a great moment! I managed to keep this secret from my entire family for three weeks. My brother, after hearing that it's for 5 days, said "no one wants to go for only 5 days, so tell me how many more you want to be there and you can use my time share." Score! I'm thinking we'll stay another 5 days or so. Told her that Kapalua is nearby, where the PGA holds it's opening event for the year, and she said "You HAVE to play there. It's Kapalua!" i heart my wife.
  5. tamales are one of those foods that i really, really want to like. fact is, i can't stand them. just taste like a bunch of wet tortilla to me. keep your suggestions to yourself, friends. i've tried them from everyone everywhere, including the best tamale maker in east L.A., "my abuela's legendary tamales," etc. etc. etc. They all suck.
  6. my brother and i saw it in 3D last week because it offered us the best seat selection of the day (saw the 9:45 am show) and because the price was still less than a regular ticket during the non-discount shows ($15 for us vs. $16 normally). the 3D effects didn't enhance or distract from the movie. in fact, i'm really not even sure why they showed it in 3D as i can't recall any moments where i thought "wow, that's so much better than what those peasants watching 2D must be experiencing."
  7. hate to see players get injured, but if this knocks the raiders out of the super bowl hunt, fine by me.
  8. lots of things to fix. start with hiring a good coach and then address the needs one at a time. it's going to take 2-3 years to get this team to be a playoff contender, but putting in the right coaching staff and a ton of patience will go a long way to returning to being a good franchise.
  9. so are you using this argument - more strikeouts than another player - as justification for why you think altuve is better than trout?
  10. well clearly he should have stolen home! what a hack! trade him now, eppler!
  11. Forgot to mention but I also like how Jimmy Smits was used in this. Would have been huge omission to leave him out.
  12. Thumbs up from pretty much everyone.
  13. .218/0/34 are numbers that mathis looks at and screams "why can't i be that good?!?"
  14. good move and i'm completely in favor if signing revere. until he starts to suck and I'm completely against it.
  15. Passengers: A- the visuals are stunning. if you like space, you'll greatly enjoy the scenery. it's an interesting premise. passengers are put into a hibernation sleep that's supposed to last almost the complete duration of a 120 year journey to Homestead II, a new planet that is being populated. One of them wakes up 90 years early, and the plot develops from there. The conflict between the two main characters is clearly going to happens, and the only question is how/if they'll resolve it. My brother and I both greatly enjoyed this movie. I didn't like that it ended rather abruptly.
  16. saw it this morning in 3D, and it was fantastic. appreciated how well they linked ep. 3 and 4 together. enjoyed the new characters that were introduced, as well. good action all the way around, and you guys were right about the last 5 minutes and what a kick to the solar plexus that was. liked how they brought darth vader into the picture. did anyone else notice how his home base was located over a river of lava? i liked the asian guy who was buddies with the blind guy. "the force is with me, and i am with the force."
  17. that's it! i can't find mine any more, so thank you for posting these, geoff.
  18. They got rid of Mountain Dew. Screw 'em.
  19. Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
  20. Maybe The David is in Florence? Regardless, I'd head up there for whatever I could find.
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