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Everything posted by Tank

  1. ha, i first this read this as "Facebook pitcher in Angel Stadium . . ." and had no idea what you meant, AO.
  2. i'm shocked - SHOCKED! - to read this from you. i'd make this trade, too.
  3. move it to where and do what with it? i have very little understanding of my dell, so walk me through it. one of the kids in the high school came up to help me a few months ago, and he was able to transfer all of my music from my old mac and iTunes to the dell. it's now located in my google docs folder but because i no longer have iTunes, i can only play one song at a time as they're each in individual folders. i can't click on an album and have it play all of the songs one right after another, and it really blows. one song plays and then finishes. then i have to click on another song in another folder for it to play. then repeat ad nauseum. i want to stop having to do this.
  4. i'd bet you'll also do really well on your taxes.
  5. alex, i'll take 'sentences too unbelievable to be true' for a gazillion.
  6. does bautista get us to the next level or put us over the top? that's the question to answer. do we somewhat waste another year of having trout without a legit shot at a ring? that has to be answered also. given the sad state of the farm system, i, too, think they'd prefer to have the draft pick.
  7. so how exactly are they going to use this money being collected? and what kind of knucklehead donates to a cause like this?
  8. since i haven't skated in 20+ years, i'm thinking i might look for a pair of inline skates to use to get back on skates once again. it'll be a good summer activity so that when i'm ready to hit the ice, i won't look like a big doofus out there.
  9. we won't really know until cals reposts his meme in a way that the rest of us can see. i only see the dreaded blue box with an x in it.
  10. 2-time defending champion Teed Off has entered the race! hope all you nancys are up for the challenge.
  11. Further proof that SJWs are addicted to being offended.
  12. i'll drink egg nog way before i try to eat another tamale.
  13. with my weight loss, one of the long term goals i've set for myself is to get back on the ice and play hockey once again (i played in college, and it's the greatest thing ever). today, my brother and i went down to hockey giant in anaheim and bought some equipment. picked up shin guards and should pads. got the stuff that was on sale and fit well and used a gift card from a student so it only cost me $30 today. I already have a pair of new gloves, a pair of socks, a practice jersey and a stick. it'll still be several months until i'm physically ready to play, but i figured it'd be easier to buy the equipment a little at a time and spread out the financial commitment instead of getting it all at once and taking a big hit in the wallet. i have huge feet, but found a pair of skates that fit pretty darn well and am putting them on my wish list. skates and pants will be the last things i buy since they're size specific and i'm not done losing weight. it was a good afternoon.
  14. i read this nine hours ago but just now have stopped crying enough to respond. my response is this: "just cut it out, cals, you big bully!"
  15. If they had waited a month, no one would have cared. I can see how it's considered insensitive to do the day after she died.
  16. so you're telling me that i bought a soccer mom car for no good reason???
  17. i have a LOT of purchases on iTunes, including music that i've used in class for the last several years. not having access to it is irritating and inconvenient. so what other options do i have?
  18. my work computer is a dell notebook that runs ubuntu. can't recommend it to anyone. it does simple basic things, but it won't/can't run iTunes.
  19. glad you shared this insight about him. there's no legit reason to think that an owner who has invested billions into a project would want to see any kind of sustained success from that project, you know, the kind of success that generates a profit and gets more and more people interested in the product he's created.
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