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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Wow, the Packers really took care of business and won their division. Great win over the Lions last night, and Rodgers looked MVPish. heres hoping they're peaking at the right time. and yes, I know they could be in trouble because of their defense.
  2. The ESPN crew essentially said this was just a gold old fashioned firing, and not anything else.
  3. Yet another reason to keep your vote private.
  4. I believe the law is that we can't burn wood in fireplaces on cloudy/overcast days. you know, the days where it would make the most sense to use them.
  5. Well if there's anyone here who would know about such things as bidets and taint tickling . . .
  6. Just go to the driving range and have your son hold the umbrella over your dome. Sure, he'll get smacked a few times on your follow-through, but think of the bonding you'll experience!
  7. 1. the run-on-contact play from third base actually results in a run being scored this year. 2. the angels amazing base-running skills only result in 70 or 80 outs on the base paths instead of the normal 400 we've grown accustomed to seeing each year. 3. buttercup is finally replaced . . . with a song from one direction.
  8. show him your painting, glen, show him your painting!!
  9. It's a horrible abuse of their position and their influence over their parishioners. Scripture is pretty clear about "not laying up treasure" for yourself here.
  10. It's brewed in the men's room at Chavez Ravine. Bottoms up!
  11. We're curious about our lineage but won't do any of these things that require your DNA. Not interested in giving anyone that kind of access to our blood or creating a DNA record for someone to steal or misuse.
  12. "we can't believe we lost! we had this in the bag and still couldn't seal the deal!" "hey, i know, let's blame the ruskies. there's just no plausible reason to believe that the orange guy could have won this thing on his own." "you're right. THE RUSSIANS DID IT! THE RUSSIANS DID IT!"
  13. 1. They beat our system, so our focus should be on fixing our cyber security so this isn't repeated. 2. The DNC (and the RNC) both do a lot of shady crap, and I'm not terribly bothered that it's been getting exposed. There were plenty of reasons not to vote for HC or Trump, and for me it made no difference in how I voted to see what kept being revealed. I felt like a lot of people weren't terribly affected by this either. It's a very poor analogy that I'm about to make, but hear me out - going by comments here on aw and on Facebook, I don't think anyone changed their position over the stuff that was leaked/revealed. Her supporters still rallied around her, her detractors kept pointing at the next thing saying "see, we told you!", and the same thing happened to Trump. 3. Don't want this to be repeated in 2020? Stop doing morally and ethically questionable stuff under the guise of protecting the Republic.
  14. "The problem is, there’s no replacement for wood-burning stoves in Alaska’s interior. Heating oil is too expensive for a lot of people, and natural gas isn’t available. So they’ve got to burn something. The average low temperature in Fairbanks in December is 13 degrees below zero. In January, it’s 17 below. During the coldest days of winter, the high temperature averages -2 degrees, and it can get as cold as -60. This is not a place where you play games with the cold. If you don’t keep the fire lit, you die. For people of modest means, and especially for the poor, that means you burn wood in a stove—and you keep that fire lit around the clock." ====================== oy, bureaucrats.
  15. I notice you haven't said anything about whether you have hockey socks. edge: Lowell
  16. LOLOLOL jonah hill lost a bunch of weight a few years ago, not 2016, and then managed to regain all of it. how someone confused him with an actual major league baseball players is hilarious.
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