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Everything posted by Tank

  1. adult BO is different from earliteen BO, which has a tendency to smell like really, really bad pepperoni.
  2. Thought I heard tonight that rams have been given permission to speak to the lions defensive coordinator.
  3. We were broken into 2.5 years ago. Took my iPad, a camera, two laptops, my passport, spare car keys, and all three of our social security cards. It wasn't difficult to replace things but it was a PITA to replace the passport. It was also expensive. Still haven't replaced the car keys, which is another expensive deal. Had to have our house re-keyed, which was done the next day. Had a friend from here step up and replace our computer, which meant the world to us. Police thought it was likely a kid looking to sell quickly for drug money, which is an issue here in Glendale. I went through the five stages of grief and was ready to beat the ever living crap out of this punk if I ever found him. we have renters insurance now but didn't at the time. Would've helped in replacing a few things. If you don't have it, we recommend that you get it. we recently added an alarm system to our house and sleep easier about things.
  4. we have an 8th grade girl who doesn't understand the concept of deodorant. the worst part is that the smell gets into her jacket, and she never, ever takes that thing off. standing near her in class has become difficult to do. we have a female teacher who was going to talk to her about it, but i don't think it's happened, or it wasn't very effective. the worst is 8th grade boys on a hot day after lunch recess. holy schnikes.
  5. wow, that was impressive stuff, wicked. loved the music he used, too. has anyone flown a drone over mount everest, or is that out range for what they can do? i'd guess a $200 drone from radio shack should get the job done.
  6. i'm a lifelong Mac guy (been using macs since 1989), where computing is easy, so having this idiotic dell is foreign soil to me. 1. tried to install itunes but it won't load onto this computer. was able to transfer songs from my mac to the dell via google docs, but it has saved them as individuals songs, each and every single one of them, not as albums or playlists - just individual songs. we're running ubuntu on this dell, in case that matters. 2. don't know what other music players are available, which prompted the question. i have whatever the default windows music system is, but haven't had time to learn it and our tech guy said i couldn't install my itunes music into it. hadn't thought about the amazon prime music, but that would require me repurchasing all of my music, which i don't want to do and can't afford, plus there are some CDs i own that probably aren't available through them, and since this computer doesn't have a disc player, those are no longer available to me, either. 3. don't know how to do this on a dell and would greatly appreciate any help you're willing to give. 4. if i could give this POS back to the tech guy - the one who insisted that we all switch to these infernal machines - and replace it with a new mac, i'd have done this months ago. he's not a mac guy, nor is he a microsoft fan, so we're using stuff HE likes, not what any of us are used to. it blows.
  7. private school, amigo. we'll just increase the tuition next year by $100 a kid so i can have a better music player. bam, done!
  8. i guess the same would apply to pretty much all of us here.
  9. the berlin wall was built to keep people in. this wall will be built to keep people out. different.
  10. i don't think she would approve of the way immigrants come here illegally and then get handed cash hand over fist by our wimpy politicians who are just pandering for votes. but then again, maybe that's just me.
  11. you left out egyptian jews, you racist.
  12. obviously you don't live in bixby knolls, where it's hotter than the surface of the sun and fireplaces aren't needed.
  13. man, you realize that you could apply the very same logic in why Christians shouldn't have voted for hillary, either. Neither of them are moral people.
  14. well, VG, i'll see your ghost shark and raise you an ice shark.
  15. hey @Adam, is this the trampoline you got for your kids? looks like a fun time up there on the balcony.
  16. you're weak. weather is a good thing. just go to a range that's outside but has a covered tee area.
  17. also, if you attend a college football game, are you required to stand the whole time?
  18. this is the first game where i've seen darnold play. i'm impressed with how cool, calm and collected this kid is. if you're a usc fan, you've got to be pretty exited about the next couple of years with him.
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