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Everything posted by Tank

  1. So apparently Texas is against freedom of expression. Fascists.
  2. The Texans had the Pats in a good spot when it was 14-13 and that's when a good QB would have been most useful. I don't see Pitt or KC beating the Pats, but you never know. Hopefully the Packers will take care of them in the Super Bowl.
  3. Good. Tropacrapa sounds about right.
  4. Vance is close to Waner, right? i know one was named Paul, and I think the other was Lloyd, right?
  5. They're finally getting rid of that butt-ugly artificial turf? Thank goodness.
  6. Never bring a loofa to a golden shower fight. THATS the Chicago way.
  7. we all know that these days memes are our best source of truth.
  8. carter and doughty both named to the all-star team, and both deserve to be there. there's also video of what the all-star uniforms look like. they're going with four colors, one for each division - black, purple, yellow, and white. they look decent. i'd post a video but i'm on my POS school computer and still haven't figured it out yet.
  9. hope toffoli is back soon. i wish nhl teams weren't so tight-lipped about injuries. we still don't know the timetable for quick to return.
  10. kirk gibson. just got voted into the college football HOF.
  11. i'll take a little fresh blood over a tired inept retread like rex ryan.
  12. it'll become a supreme court issue on whether state laws can trump federal laws.
  13. vegas is a good place to go if you like to gamble, drink, or pick up strange women/men. none of those things appeal to me, so i don't really care about it as a place i want to visit. i'm 56 and i think i've been to vegas four times in my life, and three of those times were to present gospel concerts at area churches.
  14. so who is, how old is he, and what kind of coaching has he been doing?
  15. so are the chargers really going to play at stub hub center in the meantime? that seems like a really, REALLY terrible idea.
  16. the same fbi that used to be led by a cross-dressing megalomaniac.
  17. you've obviously never had contact with a nigerian prince.
  18. vegas is a novelty. it's kind of like putting lipstick on a pig. the last time i was there my family was with me. we headed over to excaliber on saturday night hoping to catch their medieval times-type show. it was sold out so we went back outside to catch a cab back to our hotel. i've never seen so many women dressed up for hitting the town as i did that night. i've also never seen so many skanks as were out on the prowl that night. and nearly every single girl was with a group and each of them had a drink in their hands as they waited for their car/taxi. kept thinking that a single guy on the hunt would have had a pretty darn good time that night as his long as his standards were pretty low.
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