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Everything posted by Tank

  1. If you're into hairy arm-pitted angry vegan lesbians.
  2. Sweeping generalizations are also used against repubs and conservatives.
  3. you say that as if those are somehow socially unacceptable.
  4. hillary's nomination, hands down. all the political maneuvering behind the scenes to hold down bernie and his supporters speaks loudly to this, not to mention all the emails with the DNC, the corrupt leadership they had, getting questions for the debate in advance, etc.
  5. i have no issue with people being upset with trump, though i doubt there are 52% of the citizenry who are being dbags about it. i think this is primarily from the anarchists crowd and *maybe* some BLM people. making death threats against people who perform is beyond a reasonable protest. people who have been asked to perform were not necessarily big huge trump proponents in this election. if someone doesn't want to buy a Bocelli album because of his performing at the inauguration, fine by me. but threatening his life over it? that's the kind of stuff that brings civility to an end, and we're all poorer for it.
  6. @mrwicked keeps inviting me to go with him to lefty's, but every time i'm up there he bails on me. i'm still not convinced mrwicked is a real person. he just might be our version of the Hal9000.
  7. finally started using my amazon prime tonight. watch S1 E1 of The Man in the High Castle. I'm intrigued and this is hopefully going to be worthwhile. also watched S1 E1 of Workaholics. funny guys. it's the episode about the urine test at work.
  8. reggie robey, dude. oh wait, he may have retired.
  9. http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/14/inauguration-protesters-plan-to-destroy-property-and-disrupt-balls/
  10. all valid points. i'll admit that there are some inspirational memes i use at school because i want the kids to have positive messages and know that they need to work through some things and not let normal stuff hold them down. but i'm terribly selective with what i put in front of them. don't want them to think participation trophies are the norm in adult society or that life is all a bunch of daffodils and unicorns or that they're more special than everyone else. but if you're a 40 year old who needs these kinds of affirmations like peyt's mom does just to get through each day, you're not in a very good place emotionally and should seek some professional help. we're all bound to have our good and bad stretches, but there's an awful lot of people who need to have a serious talk with themselves and get their butts in gear.
  11. concur with you. while i'm glad more people are covered, i loathe that it was done under such a horrible threat, and that the SCOTUS said it was a merely tax for those that didn't comply. that's some serious BS. what kind of governing is that? and how is that constitutional in even the remotest way? crap, now @ELEVEN is going to want wind chimes.
  12. Going to be interesting to see how everything goes for this on Friday. Can't begin to imagine how much security will be there, and it'll be needed as there are plenty of threats to disrupt the inauguration itself as well as the parade afterwards. One group has put out a video calling people to action to disrupt as much as possible, citing all kinds of things (many of them erroneous) about what Trump will do as POTUS. Their claim is that the process of political reform isn't working through the vote, and they indicate they would have reacted this way regardless of who was elected. The backlash against artists performing for the inauguration has reached ridiculous heights. Today, Andrea Bocelli pulled out after receiving death threats if he were to perform. What kind of morons threaten a blind man for performing? It's not like he was out there carrying the banner for Trump, nor were most of the others who have been singled out. Have the people who cry with such loud voices about the need for ever-expanding tolerance lost their ability to do the same for someone they don't like? The bar of civility has not only been dropped, I fear it's been permanently destroyed.
  13. for all the clamoring about "but there's 20 million americans who are now insured", something that's indeed very good, it seems like there are that many people who have been negatively affected by obamacare and have been in DR's shoes - either losing their coverage or having their prices skyrocket. but in the media, you never hear about this. it's always and only about how many now have coverage, as if that's the only thing that matters or the only impact the ACA has had.
  14. maybe i missed it, but why didn't the chargers have to go through this? or did they do that already some time last year? i don't remember hearing about the owners voting their approval for them to relocate.
  15. when the packers last won the super bowl a few years ago, rodgers had this ridiculous amount of accuracy on his passes. he could have thrown a football to any target at any time, and put it right on the money. he's got that same thing going right now.
  16. and yet, you still haven't invited me to go with you.
  17. Ah, okay, so that's what adam was doing the last time we played golf.
  18. I always liked the circus and the variety of acts. Loved seeing the big cats, too, but certainly understand the unhappiness of some people about that. Wish they could continue even without the animals, but I'm not sure that the circus has that much appeal anymore.
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