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Everything posted by Tank

  1. They should have just agreed it was the biggest inauguration crowd ever. No one to blame but themselves now.
  2. i'd like to see the sideshow that would happen if trump nominated the same guy for SCOTUS that obama nominated and the repubs shot down.
  3. yep, no partial presidency. it's all of us or nothing.
  4. seems photoshopped for some reason. that's a pretty crass thing to post on a sign in a big public place.
  5. did a little walking around during lunch recess today. felt good to be in the warmth of the sun. felt like someone was making my weather great again.
  6. tried the split pea soup recipe that someone posted here last week. turned out pretty good. thanks.
  7. it's tough NOT to pick tiger for this week, being as how he's won only 8 times at torrey pines. as always, the big question is what kind of shape is his game in. if it's in good shape, you have to seriously consider him for this week. unless, of course, his glutes aren't activated.
  8. Looks like some lucky schlub in the gov't is about to make $7.
  9. i am very surprised at how mentally weak you have suddenly become.
  10. it's a complete crapshoot until they hit the florida swing. some guys bust out, guys you've never really paid attention to, while the stars sometimes don't really start shining until march. these first two months are always tough. it's even tougher when you choose a player on a complete whim, you bench him, and then he goes out and shoots 59.
  11. For me the standard is corys breakup thread, but I had more fun posting in the Red Sox fans cruise thread than just about anything else here.
  12. *standing ovation on this one, rally.
  13. Your point was that under George W. America was losing 759,000 jobs per month in 2008. That wasn't accurate outside of one month. You were shown that once obama was sworn in, your 750,000 number happened pretty steadily for his first few months in office. i now understand better your lack of grasping the electoral college system.
  14. So wait, Pence is currently 57?? That makes him only two years older than obama, and only one year older than me.
  15. at least he didn't 'misremember.'
  16. you're right. we should just let the people of new york and california decide all of the national election results for the rest of the country. solid logic.
  17. i'll comment on this but my observation is more about the photo and not the meme. what is being grossly overlooked/ignored in these two pictures is the fact that when barry was sworn in in '08, he was the first POTUS of color to win the presidency. tons of people were excited about this, and tons of them showed up to the inauguration because of it, more than usually show up for an inauguration. it was even more historic than usual. somehow that enormous crowd has now become the new standard by which to measure all future inaugurations, and it's disingenuous to say the least.
  18. packers and patriots. concerned the packers may not have enough horses to do this, but they're my team and i'm sticking with them.
  19. we don't really have to pick one over the other being as how both of those seasons were accomplished here. maybe a better question would be "between his two mvp seasons, which one would you like to see him repeat most often?"
  20. according to a college professor of mine who got frustrated at people not getting the point, "on the second tuesday after eternity."
  21. it would be tough for me to be around that many self-loathing people. kind of like visiting the main board after the halos have lost two in a row.
  22. after the erroneous report that king's bust had been removed - it was merely put in another place in the oval office - it was reported by everyone, not just the kids at fox.
  23. ventura was the guy who was a total temperamental clown, right? sad to hear this news.
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