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Everything posted by Tank

  1. oh yeah? come over to my house. we're having egg salad sandwiches. that should get your engine revved up!
  2. i think it was @nate that advocated a complete ban on immigration for what, 18 months, until they could figure out a few things. trump wants to halt it only from certain countries for 90 days and the morons who think blocking traffic is a good idea are not blocking LAX in protest. somewhere in our collection thinking and wisdom we need to come to the understanding of how to address this. some advocate for the acceptance of all refugees, no matter where they come from, while others don't want any refugees at all. isn't there a position somewhere in the middle that is both smart & safe for our country while also being compassionate to those that really need our help? why is the argument always presented as all or none? that, IMHO, is the biggest roadblock to any real progress being achieved.
  3. i'm not going to argue the merits of your opinion, but something struck me as i was reading #1. This was done by EO, not by an act of congress. Yes, that's splitting hairs a bit, but does that by itself get around the constitutional aspect of what he's trying to do? just curious, really.
  4. Well, shoot, who DOESNT love the queen!
  5. Guy I sing with went through this and was completely screwed by family. He, his wife and son lived with his MIL in her house for something like fifteen years. MIL died and before the day was over, his wife's family circled like great whites around a bunch of one-fin'd harbor seals. The worst was an ex-BIL who wanted a piece of everything. He showed up the next and with another relative started boxing up everything in sight, including stuff that belonged to my buddy and his family. They were indiscriminate and off the rails as there was a provision in the will that the house be sold and the proceeds divided amongst her children. All civility disappeared and the amount of anger toward each other and disappearance of reason made the death just that much worse. My buddy and his family were essentially forced out of the house and into an apartment. This was four or five years ago, and to my knowledge, the house still hasn't sold.
  6. doing his part to make the WBC great again.
  7. intriguing idea. if they did something like i'd hope they'd shorten the regular season back to 154 games or so to prevent the world series from ending during thanksgiving.
  8. anyone going? my brother has a ticket for today and will be sitting high but near center ice. brother and i went to the fan fair thursday night and it was fun. best part was it very uncrowded. puck drops at 12:30 on nbc. i like the 3-on-3 format.
  9. 1. make sure you go to the louisville slugger factory/museum. pretty awesome place, in case you haven't been yet. 2. you have to say it like a local - it's L'ulville. anything less identifies you as a foreigner.
  10. bob miller hospitalized yesterday. was feeling discomfort and they admitted him to usc for further tests. he's 78 and recovering from quad bypass last year. on a personal note. my brother and i met bob and talked to him at the fan fair Thursday night at the convention center. even took a selfie with him. he couldn't possibly have been nicer. we've been extremely privileged to listen to him call kings games for 40+ years. he's as good as any announcer out there. he's our vin scully, our chick hearn.
  11. in the post-game interview with nbcsn, the reporter asked price when he knew kessler's kid was going to score. said price, "pretty much as soon as he touched the puck." imagine how much fun that would be if you were the kid.
  12. i think it's pretty clear that the country was ready for someone who wasn't part of the same ol' system. this election was an anti-establishment revolution. this is what might've happened if ross perot had stayed in the '92 race.
  13. Talked about this at lunch with a buddy yesterday. He's convinced it'll be an electronic wall more than bricks & concrete (or whatever materials they're planning to use).
  14. My parents wouldn't let me watch police shows back then. Too intense.
  15. 5 of my 8 golfers this week missed the cut. gonna a couple of aaron rodgers type hail mary's to pull this one out.
  16. looks like i picked the wrong week to give up brisket.
  17. very true, blarg, but there's a little something extra in their water that is somewhat salty from what i hear, and very corrosive to taint, i mean paint.
  18. sounds like he probably failed to wash his car first with deionized water.
  19. deionized water is really the only way to go in these situations. only a pedestrian or a dodger employee would use anything less.
  20. at my age i'd like to say there aren't too many things left that surprise me. this pro-ana movement is definitely one of them, however. what kind of psychosis must a person have to think this way, that "starving yourself shows willpower?"
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