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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i took the same pledge during clinton's first term and dubya's second term.
  2. maybe the point is that neither barry or the mango made a good choice, either in putting the plan together or in carrying it out?
  3. as i said earlier in this thread, i voted for johnson. i couldn't pull the trigger the mango. i don't agree with how he conducts himself and i hate that he won't shut his mouth on twitter or that he acts childish. i don't like having him as POTUS, either, though i'll find a way to manage with him the next four years (i believe he'll be a one-termer). still rather have him than hillary, but that's like choosing drowning over being burned alive.
  4. so the raiders arrogance from the top is possible going to screw them over? let me see if i can summon up an ounce of sympathy for them. nope, nothing. #screwtheraiders
  5. the rothschilds and the trilateral commission. maybe the world bank and the fine folks at bohemian grove.
  6. or maybe the treatment and care she needs is only available here. maybe it's a pretty specialized protocol that isn't available in too many places. there isn't anything to indicate that giving her care/treatment means an american will be denied equal care/treatment. you weren't compassionate on this one, my friend.
  7. wow, in your desire to slam me you missed reading the part of my post that came next. here it is: not only did you miss my point, but you also ascribed to me things i don't believe in nor things i said. you then went on a reinforcing rant about how the libs need to obstruct the cons essentially to teach them a lesson/get revenge. you're wrong. you are 100% wrong, and it's that kind of reasoning that causes our congress to be so ineffective, unless you're really glad that we have a declaration from them to celebrate national eggplant day. i hope you never run for any kind of political office.
  8. Fourth win in a row! Budaj with his 6th SO to tie Holtby for the league lead.
  9. Did it affect my vote? Absolutely! I didn't vote for incumbents in congress on my ballot, and I voted for Johnson for POTUS. And what about you?
  10. It's times like that I really appreciate @nate's opinion and wealth of information. olly olly oxen free, little hombre.
  11. And that's exactly why nothing gets done. Revenge politics is killing us, and you've just put into words the exact reasons why congress is failing. The cons were wrong to stall obamas nomination and speak out so brashly that they wouldn't even consider him. They could just as easily voted No on his nomination and not looked as dooshy. If the libs follow your advice, they'll be just as petty. It's a sucky attuitude to think this is the best way to govern. Meanwhile, people that need help and issues that need solutions continue to get ignored or delayed. Is that really what you want from your elected officials? It certainly isn't what I want from mine, nor what most Americans want want from theirs. It's a complete FAIL to govern like that or want our reps to actually go through wth it.
  12. i like the idea but the price is gonna prevent me. my daughter starts college in september. good luck! are you willing to sell individual game tickets or does it have to be a package deal of 15+ games? i could probably do 1 or 2 occasional games.
  13. i absolutely am, though in the adventist church we spell the word 'tithing' correctly.
  14. very true. it's why i rarely, if ever, vote for an incumbent. the politicians do the same thing every time they say how much they want to "reach across the aisle" and build bipartisan support. well, sure, if by bipartisan you mean the evil bastards on that side come over to my point of view.
  15. kings said bob had a minor stroke and was admitted for further testing. he seems to be in good spirits. no idea if he's still hospitalized or if/when he'll be able to return to work. the team is about to begin their annual grammy road trip and he wasn't planning to go on it, so he's only missing two of his scheduled games over the next three weeks. here's hoping he recovers quickly and his health is restored.
  16. i think what's become clear is that kiffin is a much better indian than he is a chief.
  17. fwiw, i've always expected all members of congress to act like grownups. sadly, i no longer have that expectation. the amount of "we're going to take our ball and go home!" politics is childish and pathetic. it's also why they have no problem unanimously creating national bagel day but can't come to any kind of reasonable bipartisan agreement on reforming immigration. they all suck.
  18. trump needs to have a script. his unscripted, off-the-cuff comments are going to sink his boat. it's like listening to a real-time twitter feed.
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