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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i'll bet davis and the raiders would easily find a way to achieve that.
  2. outscored 10-0 in their last two games. ouch.
  3. it's the baseball equivalent of having penalty kicks to decide the world cup.
  4. have you tried voting "no" in the italian brexit vote?
  5. *sigh* okay, i'll come out of retirement to fight him.
  6. at this rate your school year is going to end on july 16.
  7. i don't want to say i told you so, but if you had asked me . . .
  8. i think people are either real big supporters of hers or really put off by her. she's not yet as polarizing as hillary, but she's headed there.
  9. i imagine they'd actually be less accommodating for davis and the raiders.
  10. i'd like to think that that decision spurred jacksonville to become the world headquarters of the badminton crowd, but i have a feeling it didn't.
  11. so carmax is the pawn stars of the auto trading world. "hey rick, i bought this antique european spitoon that was used by napolean for $10,000. it's been appraised at $12k. i'll sell it to you for $8500." "i'll give you $400 for it."
  12. maybe zhang voted "no" on the italian brexit thing and that girl is over her for a visit.
  13. judging by thread title alone, i guessed way wrong on who created this thread. apologies to calscuf.
  14. bought my wife an iphone 6+ from the apple store online. easy peezy. no real difference in price since the fine folk at apple don't seem to think discounts are important.
  15. stick a sock in it, bub. we need the rain, and you're going to enjoy it whether you want to or not!
  16. except he didn't retire. lasted in florida one year then worked in washington state for 18 months and is now enjoying the lovely winter weather in michigan. meanwhile, his wife still lives and works in sacramento. they haven't lived/worked together in the same city in over ten years. it's a weird dynamic.
  17. i used to work for a principal that used to hide behind committee votes. he put together his friends onto the school personnel committee and they would determine if teachers and aides were rehired, if they kept tenure, etc. When the bad news would come to one of us, he'd call us into his office and tell us "the committee decided that . . ." and drop the hammer on us. We all saw through his nonsense but couldn't really do much about it . . . until irregularities started showing up in the school financial reports. that pretty much took care of him, and he ended up being out of work for a couple of years before relocating to florida. edge: all of us who outlasted him
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