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Everything posted by Tank

  1. is there anything requiring the president to invite groups x, y, and z every single time?
  2. a chicken in every pot! a car in every garage! forty acres and a mule!
  3. awesome, more money for people who break our laws.
  4. both of the menendez brothers are now married. met their wives through correspondence while in prison.
  5. had cody gribble on my team last week and he sucked like a giant hoover deluxe, missing the cut. dropped his sorry butt this week and he repays me by shooting a 64 today.
  6. what i've learned on page 13 of this thread is that jay has never been to home depot, especially on a weekend.
  7. first and foremost, this jerk is responsible for his own actions. but you can also see failures in the system and from the judge in letting this guy out when they did. the system needs some tweaking.
  8. while i agree with your assertion, i guess what bothers me so much is that it's okay for the soda companies to produce and sell a product that is so harmful. why is that okay with us as a society? should gov't step in on something that is so knowingly harmful? but then i remember all the varieties of alcohol and tobacco that exist and well, there's my answer.
  9. i'll bet you didn't even get to hear cheesy saxophone music, either. #pooraznguy #poornate
  10. so often the officer seems to be either a guy who just started or a guy who's about to retire.
  11. instead of creating a new tax, how about working with beverage companies to make a healthier product? what they produce is pure crap for the body, so why not also include some healthier options and let people choose? i'd be fine if we got rid of soda completely, but that's not likely to happen.
  12. college aged girl, pizza delivery guy, no money exchanged . . . usually this kind of story has a happy ending.
  13. i was going for the idea of that italian chick who made a promise to 19 million men.
  14. intellectually, i don't disagree with you, but can serious drug users just do their thing in a vacuum? it sure doesn't seem like it from my experience, and what they do often affects others. when their work affects others, as it often does, time for the law to step in.
  15. i went to college just a few miles away from lake berryessa. used to spend time on nice spring weekends swimming there. even learned to water ski there one summer during a break from organic chemistry class.
  16. at some point, i'm sure he thought this was a good decision.
  17. wait, you mean you're not gay? huh, whaddaya know.
  18. has she made any italian-brexit type promises to voters yet?
  19. non violent offenders can include those arrested for DUI, right? i have no interest in anyone pulled over for DUi being sent on their way home - they deserve jail time before they kill/hurt someone. as for drug users, i suppose there's an argument to be made for not incarcerating them. not sure what a good alternative would be. for multiple repeat offenders, maybe jail time becomes an issue to consider as they likely turn to illegal things to support/finance their usage.
  20. many of them are also featured in the blue waffle.com website.
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