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Everything posted by Tank

  1. sounds like someone needs to make the tournament great again.
  2. that move pretty much put the term MILF into the national lexicon.
  3. Um, Nancy Pelosi would like to have a word with you. Maxine Watters, too.
  4. you'd think that people who live in snow would have been smart enough to see what was coming.
  5. stealing is wrong! unless you have a good reason that can't be shared with anyone.
  6. AO, i believe this game's in the refrigerator: the door is closed, the lights are out, the eggs are cooling, the butter's getting hard, and the Jell-O's jigglin'!:
  7. there are some weeks that make each of us question our own sanity.
  8. i won't disagree with you at all that it's a bit myopic, but i find myself asking "why does gov't want to be involved in the medical decisions of any of us?" it's a question all of us should ask. why do the people who can never put aside partisan politics and who sneak around the constitution at times and who authorize spying on the citizenry and have access to all of our information then need to turn around and be involved in our medical care? mark my words - it's about control.
  9. Don't know who these calamities happened to but I sure hope you choose all of them for the next month. With all due respect, of course.
  10. Interesting story, though it neglected the "smells like cat piss" stuff.
  11. good to know. we'll check it out for our next upgrade. now, what to do for dinner tonight . . .
  12. okay, this made me chuckle a little bit. "check your email while taking a bit hit on the iBong 3+."
  13. we haven't been able to get a trade-in from the apple store or from our carrier, AT&T, eve,r. we've simply recycled our phones to our daughter, who then proceeds to beat the crap out of them through what i assume must be some kind of world record for watching stuff on a phone screen. Maybe i need to move to the dairy state.
  14. yeah, we'll have to see what the subsidized rates look like. It'd be helpful if they'd give you some kind of trade-in for your old phone. at the rate that phone sizes are increasing it seems like the iphone 10 will be about the size of a current ipad. try fitting that in your pants pocket.
  15. i'm not quite ready to call it a season but they've put themselves in as bad a position as possible by not winning tonight.
  16. Yep, it was Taylor who posted the picture of Trump.
  17. Any health care plan in this state is going to have to account for all the illegals the dems in this state love to cater to. That alone is going to make this expensive beyond practical.
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