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Everything posted by Tank

  1. @calscuf and/or @wopphil, is this legally acceptable? or does this portend potential legal problems for chuck?
  2. remember how the fbi tried to get into the san bernardino terrorists phone but couldn't? maybe this is a way around that. outside of that, this rollback is a load of crap.
  3. they both saved a bundle by switching to GEICO.
  4. honestly, and while i get what you're saying, GB, it really made me think of INO more than anything. #poornate, #poorgeoff
  5. they also had this in the modern art wing at LACMA, and it's pretty impressive. if any of you have kids who like cars or trains, take them to see this. it's in the eli broad wing and it's there 24/7, but they only runs the cars and trains on saturdays and sundays.
  6. so my daughter and i went to LACMA (l.a. county museum of art) yesterday. in the modern art building, there was a display of these paintings. i'm trying to figure out why they were in a museum.
  7. this is the perfect example of why i appreciate INO so much more than the clowns at mcdonalds or burger king.
  8. just saw on Facebook that a friend of mine from high school has a child or grandchild named Bostyn.
  9. you'll know without a doubt that things have gone south for you intellectually when you start dotting your i's with a heart.
  10. good point. i never heard how many more people will receive health care, only how many would lose it. the opposition seems to forget that when obamacare was implemented, there were probably as many people who lost healthcare as those who finally got it. this may be an oversimplification or a captain obvious moment, but if the cons can figure out a way to keep existing insurance for people while adding those who don't have it and simultaneously eliminating that stupid "tax" for those who don't sign up, they'll be on to something useful that even our morons in congress should be able to support.
  11. you'll like him, AO. he's really quick and has pretty amazing hands.
  12. As they start planning for next year, one thing is painfully clear: they need to find a scorer to play with Kopitar. It's a waste of his talent to skate him with Brown and Iginla. Im thinking this new German kid (Kempe) might be worth a shot on the wing with him for the last couple of games once they're eliminated.
  13. Yeah, I wonder what happened. I'm sure the news that as many as 24 mil people would lose their Obamacare probably didn't help with publicity. Wonder where they'll go with this now that it's been pulled.
  14. Just as long as he never does golf or baseball ever, ever again . . .
  15. Isnt Berman retiring now? I thought he was done with his NFL stuff on espn.
  16. Yay, thanks Vegas! Glad they're not moving back here.
  17. My answer would still be the same because I'm going to assume that player is going to help our team win a few WS titles, and that's what ultimately matters most to me. if the question means the red player has already won five rings before joining our team, then my answer changes.
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