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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i'm looking at retirement in about ten years, and it's going to be a real challenge to find a reason to stay in california.
  2. Ass't coach Davis Gaines won't be back, either. I was thinking he might be someone they'd give a long look. i have no idea who they should look at to replace Sutter. It also means no more Chris Sutter at home games, fwiw.
  3. I like the name of Irish War Cry. You should bet on him to win.
  4. so to prevent a small number of people from the inconvenience of having to go to the big city for a dmv appointment, let's make it possible for them to apply for a state ID at their local post office, the same place for which you can apply for a federal passport. we seem to want to accommodate a few at the expense of the many rather find a solution that works well for all.
  5. oh joy, all of these politicians got money for their little pet projects. i'm so happy for them! meanwhile my gas prices continue to go up and my car registration is going to go up yet again. and still, no one is questioning them on why they aren't spending the tax money from gasoline already being collected on road improvements or why it isn't enough. eff all of them for being such liars.
  6. i have absolutely no problem with showing ID in order to vote and verify who i am. i really don't see how this is a discriminatory practice, either, unless there are specifically targeted groups of minorities they are trying to prevent from voting. i get that not everyone drives or travels internationally, but what's difficult or discriminatory about getting a state ID card? i would think as a nation we'd want all of our elections to be completely above board, and being able to prove your identity shouldn't be seen as a bad thing.
  7. assad is a brutal dictator. i don't put anything past him, including gassing his own people.
  8. christy, let us know how they turn out that way we can expect that you'll make crepes for all of us at the next aw.com tailgate party.
  9. he was known to the staff and apparently that's why he was allowed to go to her room. i'm guessing there'll be a change in this policy moving forward. if it's a small school, spouses are generally known to all the staff members, and that may have been why they weren't more careful about letting him go to her room to drop something off, which is what he claimed he was going to do. i'm at a small school and my wife wouldn't need much more than a wave of the hand to come see me, if she even bothered to stop by the office at all (which on our campus is not a requirement for spouses). i don't fault the school on this one; i fault this grade A dick for abusing their trust and his relationship with them.
  10. i think lombardi's most damning thing is the insane contracts given to brown and gaby, and that alone could be reason enough to give him the heave-ho. i think it also hurt him not to find a quality scorer to skate with kopitar. sutter is a tougher call for me. he can only play the talent given to him and i thought he got the most out them most years (plus a couple of incredible accomplishments above what any of us realistically could expect). that they didn't make the playoffs two of the last three years and haven't won a playoff series since the '14 Cup probably sealed his fate. his teams were very responsible defensively and i love that he put a high price on that. what i'll miss most is his post-game press conferences. he said stuff i can only dream of saying, and didn't tolerate stupidity from anyone.
  11. that's a good looking pup, doc. we used to have a chesapeake bay retriever. he was the color of a hersey bar with a white star on his chest. absolutely gorgeous, but we had a terribly difficult time with him in the house. he loved to chew everything in sight and we had a horrible experience trying to paper-train him.
  12. This is the UA version of "Get off my lawn!!!!!" someone should make a meme.
  13. Thinking very seriously of looking into some kind of rescue dog. While our family has enjoyed having cats, I've really missed having a dog. I fully support rescue animals, especially since they're in need of a loving home, they cost far, far less than from a breeder, and we discovered we're not very good at housebreaking a puppy.
  14. Curious how you've heard about this. First I'm seeing/hearing it.
  15. Gravel, Forbort, LaDue, Pearson, King, Kempe, Dowd, Shore . . . You sure about your "young guys aren't developed" theory?
  16. It should only feature vegetarian recipes - and they all need to be low sugar, low fat, and low carb so everyone here can be happy.
  17. Give a poor dog a bone.
  18. The entire overbooking thing is crap and needs to be addressed. i hope this causes some legal changes. I find this whole thing so bloody unconscionable.
  19. What an absolute piece of crap for doing this at a school.
  20. This is wrong in every imaginable way. How do rationalize forcibly removing a paying customer? Put your crew on another flight and move on! The damage done to their image can't be recovered. And legally, this guy is about to cash in, and deservedly so.
  21. Wow. Didn't see it coming and not sure I agree with it. Who becomes the new coach? Promote someone or look outside? i don't like this.
  22. former chief of staff is looking like a possibility, too.
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