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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i didn't find that trailer to be terribly compelling. sorry.
  2. i think a one month ban is entirely approriate for this.
  3. i'm willing to play left-handed if that means a couple of you nancies will join us and don't want to feel threatened by my insane skills.
  4. i was thinking the same thing. and yes, i believe it was a daisy cutter. is it also known as a bunker buster?
  5. at this point, short of NK actually doing something to us or to SK, i don't see any value in a "pre-emptive" strike. nothing good will come from this, unless you happen to own stock in a company that produces war materials.
  6. "The bomb is officially called a GBU-43 or Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB), the origin of its nickname as the “mother of all bombs.” Weighing more than 21,000 lbs., the weapon is the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used in combat. The strike had been in the works for a number of months, dating back to the Obama administration, CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports. The weapon was brought into Afghanistan “some time ago” for use in Thursday’s mission, a Pentagon spokesman said."
  7. no one knows what war with them would be like because it's been 60+ years since they fought anyone. there's concern about their missile capability, but is it a legit concern that they could reach and bomb targets inside the US? they have some 2 million soldiers but they're largely inexperienced due to lack of engagement in real world situations. plus they have the crazy dictator thing going on. a lot of unknowns with them.
  8. i, for one, am going to miss your soliloquoys.
  9. LOL. quoting yourself twice must be some kind of new record around here. i like it.
  10. Gerard Gallant going to be introduced Thursday as the first head coach for the franchise.
  11. Gotta confess that I've never heard of him. Found out he's also the older brother of Eddie Murphy.
  12. This is going to end up costing them more than chartering a plane for the four employees. and that jimmy Kimmel ad for United was great.
  13. If that's standard then I'd like to go into public service.
  14. congrats on reaching the playoffs, bucbrett. hope your team is successful.
  15. Trump (turd!!) and Kim jong need to meet at a neutral location to talk this thing out and reach some kind of agreement that works for everybody involved. There is a needless tension here that can be easily rectified with negotiation. I suggest that Trump fly there on Air Force One and Kim can fly on United.
  16. had alumni weekend/homecoming this past weekend for the high school i attended. while it wasn't an honor year for me (next year will be my 40th year since graduating - i know, it's hard to type that) the class ahead of us invited a few of us to join them, and it was terrific. a few of us were much closer to that class than to our own. so i showed up saturday morning for the alumni church service and found people i was hoping to see, including three former girlfriends (no worries - we all get along great). had lunch together, sat around and visited for the afternoon and caught up with everyone, then met together for dinner at a local restaurant, and finally returned to the school for cake and a chance to look at old pictures. all around, it was a really nice time. it felt like time had sort of stood still for us in many ways as we were able to just pick right up from where we had left off, except without all of the BS that high school often brings. these were the people that meant the most to me during my teen years, and helped me the most in becoming who i am now.
  17. i will never understand the world's sexual fascination with children.
  18. Cat, my wife and i were talking about retirement a few weeks ago and i said i'd like to retire somewhere in the PNW. She said "what if our daughter lives in California?" I told her I wanted to be close by her, but the more I think about it, the more I want to move out of state.
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