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Everything posted by Tank

  1. That Rhonda will not be helping with anything. p.s. Thanks for ruining that song forever for me.
  2. "Continues to remain" meaning "it still amazes me". What, they don't teach no English in Denver?
  3. these threads always go nowhere because someone wants to pin the lack of (recent) success on just one simple thing. there are so many factors involved, and the manager is just one such factor. is sosh the one thing that's holding this team back right now? absolutely not.
  4. laugh all you want, but with my new dietary needs, i found some crackers at trader joes that included figs and olives. a little smear of cream cheese on them and they were delicious.
  5. he most often uses it to berate people and sound like a 12 year old. if he used it to talk about policy and his plans without sounding like a dickhead, i'd be okay with him using it.
  6. when you've written this in the past, i thought you were just screwing with us. you really feel this way today, even after 9/11 and the barrage of terror attacks that have happened here?
  7. what's your issue with having him enforce immigration laws?
  8. thanks for keeping this thread on track! was worried for a moment.
  9. it continues to remain unbelieveable to me that he won't get off twitter. such a childish thing for him to do.
  10. so i got home from work yesterday and found a box on my porch from amazon prime. hadn't ordered anything, nor had my wife. went ahead and opened it and found some real nice piece of plumbing equipment inside. not sure what to do with it. looks like it was intended for some kind of hollywood bigshot.
  11. got a friend request on facebook yesterday for a lady named rhonda, someone i used to teach with when my career first started. of course, back then his name was ron. had no idea what he was into.
  12. i don't remember that at all. got a copy you can post?
  13. we're waiting for @EnglishCop to render an official verdict. not sure why he hasn't chimed in yet, but i'm sure it has to do with his heavy drinking problem and trying to find Cez.
  14. i always thought it was hyphenated.
  15. i know a guy who's pretty good at artwork. here's a couple of samples of his work. he's based on the east coast and is really busy these days, but it's worth a try.
  16. "every time she travels on AF1 and takes more than one pair of pumps, it costs tax payers another $4 million!"
  17. when i think of betrayal, i think of the kind of things benedict arnold did by revealing battle plans to the british or the rosenbergs by selling nuclear secrets to the soviets. i don't think what you've mentioned so far meets that standard.
  18. was our country really betrayed by revealing all the stuff the dems were doing? was it really a betrayal to try to keep hillary out of the oval office? i don't really see betrayal here so much as trying to gain an advantage against an unpopular candidate.
  19. i'm completely offended there's no special graduation ceremony for greek-americans. what a bunch of racist-elitists.
  20. i'd go to the track with you. there's a ton for me to learn about the sport of kings. santa anita sometime?
  21. you've often struck me as someone who's caught crabs. #victorsmom
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