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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i don't mind make ahead things, but when it comes to egg dishes, i don't like them reheated. i want them fresh out of the oven or not at all.
  2. i didn't learn my lesson until the second time i did that.
  3. that picture is full of covfefe.
  4. some white supremacist stabbed three people last week, killing one of them. he was pissed at one of the women, who was a muslim.
  5. Kathy griffin sucks as a comedian and hasn't been relevant in years, but here we are talking about her. there's no such thing as bad publicity.
  6. had morphine for my kidney stones. i'm a big fan.
  7. it shouldn't have any problems with that after chuck shoved a banana in the memory card slot.
  8. use it for your diet dr. pepper.
  9. my grandmother used to dress my dad as a girl when he was little. i'm sure that plus the divorce explains a lot about my dad and his multiple issues.
  10. is espinosa injured? if he's not, then it's kind of weird that sosh won't let him hit his way out of this one. not complaining, mind you, just out of character for sosh to sit a struggling veteran.
  11. with trout's thumb injury, this thread is now null and void.
  12. the entire team was bad in that series. don't cherry pick one player to lay this on.
  13. unless this guy has a family history where someone was killed by a japanese soldier during WWII, this tweet was a poor idea.
  14. and flying artie finished in the money. would have been a nice payoff. wiser for next time, my friend.
  15. Absolutely. Have to have someone left if this team has any hope of winning something/anything in the next four years.
  16. I've wondered about the outcome of the war if Hitler doesn't invade Russia. Not a pretty thought.
  17. It'd be a nicer logo if it wasn't misaligned. . .
  18. i forgot to mention . . . i accidentally spit on a guy. missed my target and sprayed the guy. asked him if he wanted some napkins and he said he wanted a beer. glad it was $1 beer day at the track. i ponied up and made things right with him.
  19. i think it's also worth mentioning about sosh's over reliance on playing struggling veterans like finley, hamilton, and hillenbrand.
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