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Everything posted by Tank

  1. sorry for coming off as a jerk, ettin. didn't realize how personal it was and was trying to be funny with you. my apologies. i don't drink beer or soda these days, so let's just make it a nice cold bottle of water and call it square.
  2. played oak quarry today. it sets up as a nice resort type course. they picked me up in the parking lot and drove me to my cart, which was unexpected. free golf balls at the chipping facility. stuff like that. had to quit after 15 holes as i was very light-headed due to the heat. i'd been drinking plenty of water (4 bottles) and had a protein bar, but it was getting dicey out there for me. drove horribly and couldn't chip to save my life. irons were decent today and i putted very well - made two putts over 30 feet long. didn't care for the marshall. he got after us around the 8th hole for slow play - they have this gps system in each cart and it displays messages for you, including whether or not you're keeping up the pace of play. marshall was frustrating as there was no one immediately behind us, and thus we weren't holding anyone up, but his comments were to the contrary. we ended up getting caught by three different groups, none of whom had any talent. they were just playing at a breakneck speed and couldn't hit for squat. we gladly let them play through once they caught up to us. we didn't hold anyone up, but the marshall didn't really see it that way. didn't care for the terrain too much around the greens. strictly a personal thing, but there were several holes where parking by the green on the cart path meant walking over lots of severe hills & valleys to get to the green. it was too much for me and my knees. i'm willing to play there again (it was $65 but my buddy got a deal through golf now for only $30) when it's cooler.
  3. Godfather is fascinating and worth seeing. The Toy Story series is wonderful for kids and makes parents feel nostalgic. I think you're kinda in between. i haven't seen any of the Harry Potter movies, either. Saw the first LOTR but it was too long and confusing at times, and I haven't bothered with the sequels.
  4. Thanks. I read it and on the surface it sounds like a good idea. What's the objection to this, and why will it cause gas prices to go up?
  5. okay, shameful admission here . . . i have no idea what cap and trade is or why i should care about it. someone want to help me out?
  6. i wonder what new gas tax will be passed next month.
  7. just to screw with him, someone should send him a copy of The Martian and give him matt damon's phone number.
  8. doubtful. there was a ton of vitriol from people when they heard that justice scalia had died. some of them seemed to be in a celebratory mood, in fact.
  9. i never saw blazing saddles until last year. still haven't seen young frankenstein or lawrence of arabia. tried to watch the big lebowski, but didn't last ten minutes.
  10. when i eat humble pie, which i clearly will be doing here, i usually like it with a nicely crafted root beer float. nice pic, good story.
  11. sounds like peyts is maturing at a leisurely pace.
  12. you need to ditch the regular table salt and instead use lawry's seasoning salt.
  13. my doctor is slightly younger than me. he's rough around the edges but a good guy all around. oh, and he's scandinavian/danish.
  14. that's because i don't like your avatar, plus it's out of focus. pick up your game, mang.
  15. so that makes you a co-conspirator in all of this, right?
  16. According to the report on KNX 1070 this afternoon, each team will have four uniforms next season. Gone will be the tradition of the home team wearing white and the road team wearing dark. The home team will have the right to wear whichever uniform it desires and will somehow have to let the road team know in advance so that they can wear "a contrasting color." thoughts? also saw something about the new celtics jerseys having an ad over the heart. don't like the idea of ads one bit.
  17. yep. and we keep letting him get away with it, too.
  18. nothing really matters, anyone can see, nothing really matters, nothing really matters to me. (can you see the wind blow?)
  19. there was a ballot measure here in california several years ago about school vouchers. i was doing a research paper on it for one of my masters classes, and as such, i interviewed several people on their feelings about it. the proposal would have allowed up to $3000 in credits for each voucher. when asking my school principal about vouchers, he said he favored them. when i asked him what it would mean to our school, he replied that it would mean we raised our tuition by $3000 a year per student.
  20. i'm giving you extra credit for dropping in a yakoff smirnoff reference.
  21. they're all watching the kardashians and thinking this is easy money. famous for being famous. unless you have a teenager at home, you have no idea how many youtubers are out there being watched by our kids. i'd love to tell you that they're using their presence on social media to encourage kids to work hard, but that wouldn't be terribly accurate for most of them.
  22. no worries. it's very similar to alo roops.
  23. doesn't this drink belong in the bro job thread?
  24. harry styles from one direction is in dunkirk. i'm taking my daughter to see it this weekend even though she has zero interest in history.
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