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Everything posted by Tank

  1. anxiously awaiting announcements on special doggy eclipse sunglasses on facebook any moment now.
  2. if you've ever seen british food, well, i think you have your answer.
  3. they love both! it's a fine time to be a german, i'll tell ya what.
  4. i believe rocky balboa accused his b-i-l paulie of also being mentally irregular. therefore, i conclude that english cop is, by default, paulie from the rocky movies. help me welcome actor burt young to the aw.com community. huzzah!
  5. you know what they don't have to worry about in Wisconsin? long lines at the local INO.
  6. i've heard a growing number of people pronounce the W in sword. there are also a worrisome number of people who pronounce it as CON-tri-BU-ted
  7. the idea of stanton and trout for at least four years together in their prime is pretty darn stimulating. not @tdawg87 level of stimulating, but i can see that neighborhood from my yard. also have to consider how appealing that duo would be to other prospective free agents...
  8. pictures of @Brian Ilten can only be used with permission due to copyright laws. i hope you got proper permission to use this.
  9. there was also an explosion at a house, killing one. they're thinking it might have been a bomb-making factory for all of these toolbags.
  10. as a history teacher, this saddens me deeply.
  11. our school bought special sunglasses for watchinig the eclipse. we're all headed outside around 10:15 to watch. it's conveniently happening on the first day of school, so this should add to the overall calmness of the day.
  12. what they're doing right now isn't working so it's time to explore other options in re: immigration.
  13. what size brick? who gets to throw it? does it have to be exactly in the MIDDLE of the night? how close can they stand to the structure at which they are throwing? is it okay for a left-hander to throw? does a note have to be attached to the brick, or can something be written on it with a marker of some sort?
  14. NO!!!!!!!!!! #totallydisappointed
  15. 2017, the year terrorists decided to drive cars into big crowds of people to inflict max carnage.
  16. go back to the home page for all the forums. at the top of the page, just below the angels win.com banner, you'll see a button for "clubs." just click on that, and then click on the "invitation" button when you see the photography club. there are a couple other clubs there, too.
  17. no. we're not fans of the cherry tomatoes either as they don't taste as good as a regular tomato. we prefer roma tomatoes. good flavor and i can cut up an entire one to put into my salad without fussing over what to do with any leftover pieces.
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