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Everything posted by Tank

  1. You e listed three different versions of WAR. Stanton leads one of them but is tenth in another. That seems to weaken the whole argument, at least for me, in support of this as a meaningful stat.
  2. I'm still trying to visualize all those Subarus filling all those parking lots in Oregon. I imagine it'll be a staggering number.
  3. US women are laying the lumber on the euros. lexi Thomson was down four at one point but stormed back to halve her match with Anna Nordqvist. It was fun to watch. US now up 13-6, needing 14 to retain the Cup.
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/news/shipwreck-uss-indianapolis-helped-create-205940380.html the ship that helped deliver the nukes to end WW2.
  5. anyone else ever like black cherry soda? another family favorite of ours.
  6. anyone watching the ladies' version of the ryder cup? US ladies up 10.5 - 5.5 after day 2. On Friday afternoon, the US women swept all four matches, the first time they've ever done that (the Euro ladies have done this three previous times). They played terrific and it was fun to watch. It wraps up on Sunday. Playing at the world famous Des Moines Country Club in Iowa.
  7. we loved cream soda. used to buy mother's pride (i think). it was a bit hard to find but always well worth it. my dad's favorite was always vernor's ginger ale. had such a unique flavor and we all loved it.
  8. are there large gatherings in other places around the country? i've only heard about oregon. friend of mine and her husband just arrived there earlier today. she posted hotel prices for some of the rooms still available, and they were all over a thousand a night. good to see people not taking advantage of this...
  9. central intelligence 3/5 good for a few laughs with the wife and daughter, but very formulaic.
  10. my grandmother used to call our levi's "overhauls" when we were kids. i have no idea where that emanated from. at least she stopped calling them dungarees.
  11. still not sure why you keep bringing up morin, unless his minor league numbers are comparable to what noe has done.
  12. why do you hate america, tdawg? who hurt you, buddy?
  13. I sit here wondering more and more frequently just what the hell happened to our country. I don't know when or how it became more acceptable to whine about everything or try to shut down opposing viewpoints from your own or physically attack people you disagree with without any fear of reprisal or drop F bombs like they're M&M's, but that's where we are and frankly i'm very worried about it. As a society, we have turned a corner to a much more angry time in our existence, and I don't see how we're going to get out of this. Is social media to blame? Yes, but to what degree, who knows.It certainly has given a lot more people a platform for expressing opinions or criticism in a much more anonymous way than a letter to your local newspaper. Maybe it's the after-effect of talk radio. I don't know, but I hope it changes for the better sooner rather than later.
  14. someone targeted a christopher columbus statue yesterday, also. sat next to a co-worker yesterday who had a copy of howard zinn's "the people's history of the U.S." and so started looking at it. the first chapter was about columbus. i was able to read only about 5 or 6 pages, and i knew going in that columbus was kind of a weird guy or at least had a weird approach to what he wanted to do, but if zinn is accurate, yowza!
  15. does calling your pets "fur babies" qualify? if so, i know a few...
  16. today, we are all spaniards! #standwithbarcelona
  17. jelly is for 5 year olds. you're adult, so try the jam. you're welcome.
  18. okay, don't know what that has to do with anything, but with the numbers noe has put up, my question is still why was he released?
  19. and yet, look where we are today. some people aren't happy unless they're miserable.
  20. wow. why was he let go? seems like someone you'd aggressively hang on to.
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