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Everything posted by Tank

  1. from your lips to voters ears. you know that after four years of trump that there will be a big push to get her back on campaign trail for some kind of "let's fix the cosmic wrong that happened in 2016" concept, to right a horrible wrong from last november. we'll see the media working overtime, bringing up her name frequently to get a feel of the public's temperature about her. i wouldn't bet against her right now. i think she's addicted to the idea of being the first female POTUS.
  2. thanks. been an interesting journey, but so very, very worthwhile. i don't have any desire for fast food anymore. a big part of it is knowing how destructive that food is to all the work i've done for myself, and the other part is realizing that i no longer have a taste for it. i don't miss it at all anymore. the one thing i miss is eating a sandwich. i limit myself to one slice of bread per day. i make a slice of toast and add a fried or poached egg and some cheese to it for breakfast most mornings. i look for wheat/whole grain bread with the fewest carbs possible. reducing carbs and sugar, along with greatly reducing food volume, are the things that have helped me be most successful. there's something called cloud bread that's extremely low carb that i've considered making, but i haven't pulled the trigger on that yet. i've noticed some changes in my tastes, also (interesting that you mentioned that). i couldn't stand cranberries, but that has definitely changed. i like the dried ones and frequently add them to a salad. same with brussel sprouts. maybe it's time to try a tamale again . . . or maybe not.
  3. my fear is that she gets pushed to be the dem candidate in 2020. i'm so friggin' sick and tired of hearing about her. she'll be 73 and there may be issues with her health, not to mention her character - time to call it a day, lady.
  4. if they win each series here on out, they'll be okay. winning 2 out of 3 again and again will put them in good shape.
  5. caught a glimpse of espn this morning but didn't see much. they had a blurb that said "coming up: bryce harper's hair." i thought they had managed to find a new way to jump the shark.
  6. James Comey: Of course, former F.B.I director James Comey receives some (probably warranted!) finger-pointing as well. Her image as a candidate for president, Clinton writes, went from a picture of a seasoned leader to a scandal-plagued one and “[James] Comey’s letter turned that picture upside down.” LOL. yeah, it was comey's fault.
  7. im surprised it's taken this long for someone to bring up GWTW. it'll probably join Song of the South in permafrost storage soon enough.
  8. i wonder what it would take for us to sabotage their nuke facility. or hit it with a laser-guided bomb . . .
  9. absolutely agree. this would be an occasional thing as it's pretty high in calories too. i eat more vegetables and have salad once per day, sometimes more. down 177 lbs. so far, and only another 55 to go to reach my goal.
  10. i'm still trying to figure out how gangs are legally allowed to continue to exist. everything about their very existence, everything they do is illegal.
  11. i guess we'll see this differently then. arpaio's situation has little to do with the entirety of illegal immigration, but whatever. you still didn't address my concerns about immigrants choosing which laws they'll abide by, and the citizens who enable them by supporting their refusal to obey our immigration laws.
  12. good find. that was an interesting read.
  13. i'm going for 300. go big or go home mini-golfing.
  14. jerks. i hope their cousins break up with each of them.
  15. found a picture of glen going for his morning walk at the beach last week on vacation.
  16. the cauliflower pizza crust was horrible. won't be trying that one again. tried a "pizza" crust made out of cream cheese yesterday and it was pretty good. not sure what the difference was, but i'll be having the cream cheese crust pizza again.
  17. these kinds of healthy alternatives are either a home run or a total bomb. with the big changes in my diet over the last 14 months, i've run across things like cauliflower crust pizza and numerous people swearing how good it is, while i try it and think theres something wrong with people's tastebuds. i'd give these muffins a try if someone offered me one. i enjoy things like zucchini bread, so i see some potential with this.
  18. ouch. i got caught for $40 in a 3-card monty scam when i was in college. it was right outside the empire state bldg in NYC. i kicked myself over that one for several weeks. can't imagine how hard it'd be to forgive myself over $2k.
  19. my wife said "big deal. i live with this kind of wind on a daily basis."
  20. sir, you have offended us. sincerely, committee meetings
  21. arpaio being pardoned has zero to do with enforcing immigration laws. we've reached a point where immigrants are deciding which laws they choose to follow, and citizens are supporting them in this. this will not end well. why the discussion doesn't focus on revamping our immigration laws is as mysterious to me as stonehenge.
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