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Everything posted by Tank

  1. p.s. If I were a single man, Jennifer would get my attention. I think I could fix her.
  2. NBC news tonight reported there are a dozen huge construction cranes in and around Miami. Report said they were being left in place as there wasn't enough time to remove them. These cranes weigh 360,000 lbs each, and while they're built to withstand winds around 145 mph, irmas winds are stronger. The top of each crane is designed to spin around with the wind. They're expecting the worst when these cranes come crashing down, and hoping like mad no one is in the way. This is going to be pretty ugly.
  3. "do not fall into the fault line." sage advise.
  4. the hard part is finding a SS that can strike out on a pitch that hits him in the nards. twice.
  5. so then having maddon would have been pointless. well done on destroying your entire argument about him.
  6. who pays you? did you have to pay anything into this? down another 1.5 lbs this week for a grand total of 178.4 lost. i could have retired if i had known about this place a year ago.
  7. In other words, it's a typical September. weatherwise, this is such a horrible month every year.
  8. I've never been a fan of a player under contract holding out. Be an honorable person and honor your commitment. Don't like your current contract? Then sign a better deal next time. have read that Donald and the Rams have agreed on money and years, but Donald wants an opt-out clause after three years and the Rams aren't interested.
  9. if he launches it full range, it gives the US a better understanding of his true capabilities. i'd allow the first one to go to the end just so we know. any others after this get shot down before they reach altitude.
  10. i like victor a lot more than i liked phyz. he does a solid job and i really like his enthusiasm for the angels and for the game. he's informative and usually very interesting. what i don't like is that there are gaps in his description. there have been too many times where a pitch is thrown and he says nothing. doesn't describe it or even mention if it was a ball or strike. the gaps of silence annoy me quite a bit at times. no one likes dead air on a broadcast, so why not fill it with stories of players, or games, or of his dad? i agree that he spends too much time talking about silly stuff like favorite bbq joints, but that seems to be in response to gubi bringing it up. a story here or there is fine about these things, but to often it feels like there's some kind of inside joke that only the two of them are privy to. that doesn't make for a good connect with your audience. i gave him a B.
  11. i can't think about homemade pickles without remembering aunt bee making her own on the andy griffith show.
  12. from your lips to voters ears. you know that after four years of trump that there will be a big push to get her back on campaign trail for some kind of "let's fix the cosmic wrong that happened in 2016" concept, to right a horrible wrong from last november. we'll see the media working overtime, bringing up her name frequently to get a feel of the public's temperature about her. i wouldn't bet against her right now. i think she's addicted to the idea of being the first female POTUS.
  13. thanks. been an interesting journey, but so very, very worthwhile. i don't have any desire for fast food anymore. a big part of it is knowing how destructive that food is to all the work i've done for myself, and the other part is realizing that i no longer have a taste for it. i don't miss it at all anymore. the one thing i miss is eating a sandwich. i limit myself to one slice of bread per day. i make a slice of toast and add a fried or poached egg and some cheese to it for breakfast most mornings. i look for wheat/whole grain bread with the fewest carbs possible. reducing carbs and sugar, along with greatly reducing food volume, are the things that have helped me be most successful. there's something called cloud bread that's extremely low carb that i've considered making, but i haven't pulled the trigger on that yet. i've noticed some changes in my tastes, also (interesting that you mentioned that). i couldn't stand cranberries, but that has definitely changed. i like the dried ones and frequently add them to a salad. same with brussel sprouts. maybe it's time to try a tamale again . . . or maybe not.
  14. my fear is that she gets pushed to be the dem candidate in 2020. i'm so friggin' sick and tired of hearing about her. she'll be 73 and there may be issues with her health, not to mention her character - time to call it a day, lady.
  15. if they win each series here on out, they'll be okay. winning 2 out of 3 again and again will put them in good shape.
  16. caught a glimpse of espn this morning but didn't see much. they had a blurb that said "coming up: bryce harper's hair." i thought they had managed to find a new way to jump the shark.
  17. James Comey: Of course, former F.B.I director James Comey receives some (probably warranted!) finger-pointing as well. Her image as a candidate for president, Clinton writes, went from a picture of a seasoned leader to a scandal-plagued one and “[James] Comey’s letter turned that picture upside down.” LOL. yeah, it was comey's fault.
  18. im surprised it's taken this long for someone to bring up GWTW. it'll probably join Song of the South in permafrost storage soon enough.
  19. i wonder what it would take for us to sabotage their nuke facility. or hit it with a laser-guided bomb . . .
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