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Everything posted by Tank

  1. 6-4 over columbus! brown and kopi are playing amazingly well, especially brown. on to toronto and a date with matthews monday night. should be a good test.
  2. your team has won the pacific 5 straight years. maybe other teams don't want to trade good players to you. this isn't all on your team's gm.
  3. if you aren't doing this yet, all of you need to follow the VGK on twitter. their twitter guy is pretty funny at times.
  4. does notre dames grass still look like it's taken care of by people who have never seen a football field? has to be the worst looking natural grass in america.
  5. i only watch two car races each year - the indy 500 and the daytona 500.
  6. nope. josh's house looked more like this:
  7. or hiring him as a coach.
  8. just wait until you see his picks for the ncaa tournament.
  9. We ate there once in about 1997 and found the chips and salsa was pretty good since they used tortillas and three different sauces instead of what you traditionally expect. Don't remember my entree but recall it was tough to find something vegetarian friendly and wasn't very impressive. Haven't been back but it's been long enough that I'd consider going again sometime just out of curiosity.
  10. dude, totally joking. this goes back to an old thread, several years before you joined us here. some guy was complaining because one of the members here put the lakers score in a thread title and this dude was upset because he was taping the game to watch later and didn't want it to be spoiled.
  11. i'm very meh about the dodgers winning it all, although some of their fans would be insufferable about it (mostly the tommy lasorda types who use their success to take shots at the halos). yankee fans have been insufferable from birth. they can take a hike. so i guess, by default, i'd rather see the astros win it all. the angels made some progress this season, and i'm glad for that. gives them something to build on for next season. a few more parts to fill, but filling them well will pay off sooner rather than later.
  12. What happened to carter? Heard something about a cut on his leg and saw a tweet about surgery today?
  13. No wonder this story sounded familiar. but yeah, not a very good man.
  14. i stopped doing the flag salute with my homeroom a few years ago. not because of any reason other than the kids were bored reciting it, and that was only once a week.
  15. To try and prove their point that a creature could be “alive” without its head, a group of researchers in the 1990s beheaded a pregnant sheep and connected her body to a breathing machine. They delivered the sheep’s baby by C-section. “There is no ambiguity here: the sheep remained alive during the experiment.” the researchers wrote, concluding “decapitated animals are not necessarily dead.” the one thing they're forgetting to mention in this example is that people who are beheaded do not have it happen in a controlled environment. it happens in accidents and wherever else, and it's the loss of blood that contributes to the person dieing (exanguination, or however you spell it). i'm sure the pregnant sheep had slightly different conditions.
  16. yeah, i'm not really sure how much you can hold the hotel responsible in this case. there really wasn't any bad faith conduct on their part. i imagine the promoter of the concert and whoever built the concert site will have the most to answer to. there has to be some way to have enough exits for people to leave in an emergency while at the same time keeping out people who don't have tickets. not sure how you do that (more gates to enter/exit = more money spent to hire personnel = less profit for those in charge).
  17. i had it on cassette and enjoyed it as much the last time i listened to it as the first. martin was terrific at standup.
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