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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Bartolo always looked like he was undefeated in that battle.
  2. 137 might be survivable, but not 209. thursday would be the end of most of us.
  3. bixby knolls is looking at temps in the low to mid surface of the sun numbers.
  4. i don't think i have the discipline to fast. is fasting a spiritual thing for you? i know several people who add the spiritual component to it.
  5. ha, it's not so bad. i like soup, quite a lot, actually. had a very good lentil soup saturday night. it's an easy way for me to get protein.
  6. if trumpy ever golfs at hansen dam or brookside, you, me, and tracy need to make this happen.
  7. well, it is almost halloween.
  8. my favorite kind of cake was a spice/applesauce cake with cream cheese frosting. was never much of a german chocolate cake fan, whish is what this looks like - it was the kind of cake i'd eat if i had to.
  9. i don't think oswald acted alone. the telling point for me is this: the fatal head shot to JFK enters in the middle of the back of his head and exits above his right ear, indicating the shot would have come from behind him and to the left. oswald, shooting from the 6th floor, would have shot JKF on the right side and the bullet would have exited on kennedy's left side of his head. no one has ever addressed this, and it's why i'm certain there was more than one shooter. the same trajectory issue exists with the magic bullet. it hit connelly on his left side and exited on his right. that's the wrong angle from where oswald was firing.
  10. both the rams and the chargers with shutouts yesterday. gotta wonder how long it's been since two teams in the same city did this, or if it's ever been done before.
  11. boy, the packers sure missed aaron rodgers yesterday.
  12. are we sure he really isn't a raiders fan just wearing a bills jersey?
  13. it's great that he's already matched last season's total rushing yards. it's also pathetic that last season's rushing yards were so paltry. glad to see he's found whatever he was missing last year.
  14. i wonder which one of those things was the easiest and the toughest to do?
  15. @nate, where are you? this thread has your name all over it.
  16. that was calzone's not-so-subtle attempt to take a shot at the angels and their lack of playoff experience.
  17. you can add all bay area teams to that list for me. can't stand any of them.
  18. fair enough. none of it really appeals to me.
  19. if we sign CC than we should also re-sign bartolo. our fat jokes could use some fresh blood.
  20. i think so. just make it a universal rule throughout MLB.
  21. i like it. if i can't play a few hands of texas hold 'em while eating nachos on the third deck during a four-run rally by the halos, why even bother getting out of bed in the morning? let's make this happen, ALF.
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