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Everything posted by Tank

  1. at this point, no - i'd hang on to him. he's playing up to his capabilities and giving the team just what they need.
  2. hope the yankees have a good dentist available.
  3. valid points, chili. it's kind of like the definition of assault weapon. there were lots of questions about what that meant though i think most people generally thought of military type weapons. senator feinstein this week is calling for a new ban on assault weapons. will be interesting to see what congress does about it after letting the last bill expire, especially in light of some of the more recent gun disasters.
  4. gun control isn't solving the problem, though. every time one of these mass shootings happens there are calls for new laws. but the problem remains because there are big cracks in the system and arguably the most powerful lobby in the country keeps pushing to hold back on some additional things that might actually help. so maybe the question needs a look as to whether or not guns should be allowed at all. the framers talked about a well-armed militia; the courts have interpreted that in ways that i don't think honor the spirit of that amendment. how? by doing what? what can be done to reduce the ever-growing amount of these horrific tragedies? @red321 had some good suggestions a couple of weeks ago. are any of our lawmakers willing to step away from the clutches of the NRA and do something reasonable? of this i have no doubt. freedom of speech and freedom of worship are my biggest concerns.
  5. Should be Altuve in a landslide. Anything less and the fix is in.
  6. I wonder if a suit will be filed against the videographer who didn't make an attempt to help.
  7. No, absolutely not. It flies in the face of His entire message.
  8. Perhaps the question to ask is whether or not owning a gun should be a constitutional right.
  9. You know what really makes thanksgiving stress free for me? Letting my wife do the cooking.
  10. News reporting the three have been released on bail but are required to stay in China for the next month. They ripped sunglasses from the Louis Vuitton store. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
  11. Oh yeah, this clown would do nothing but make things worse and maybe even get himself locked up and finally off our airwaves . . . Wait a sec, that may not not be a bad thing after all. Go get 'em, papa Ball! Don't let them treat your boy like a criminal! BBB for life, ba-bee!
  12. i think you have to kick the tires on darvish and see how much he's asking and for how many years. my interest in signing him right now is not terribly high.
  13. so my brother texted me around 3:45 on game day and said he was watching tickets on stubhub. asked if i wanted to go and i said sure, as game 7s in this area are pretty rare (there had only been one game 7 in socal prior to this year, and that was in anaheim in '02). he said prices were dropping as it got closer to game time and would i mind if we went a little late if it meant getting in for a decent price. i agreed to this. called me at 4:45 and said he got two and he'd be over soon. got a decent parking spot even though the entire lot was packed. got to our seats in time to see springer hit his homer. we were on the reserved level down the left field line and found a college buddy of ours in the next section over (we knew he'd be there and hoped we could find him). the doggies did a good job of getting guys on base but they just never got a key base hit and that was that. didn't like the way roberts managed his bullpen at all and felt like they should have gone to alex wood before going to kershaw, but at least that part didn't backfire. probably should have started wood to begin with, but moot point now. fans were into it but the energy was just never quite right. after the fifth inning, the whole mood in the park just seemed different, as if the inevitable was unavoidable. ethier's rbi helped but there was still a sense of doom hanging over everyone around us. no drama for a game 7 and it was disappointing, especially in light of how it had been such a good series up until that point. glad we went - had never been to a series winning game in baseball (have seen several in hockey, though). ticket prices were more reasonable than you'd think . . . less than $530 to get in for each of us.
  14. i think it's the idea that he can't see the forrest because the trees are in the way. it turned out to be an inconsequential move, but the prevailing goal is to cling to anything to prove a point about what a terrible manager sosh is. there isn't a poster here who believes sosh is an errorless manager - his faults are well known by all of us - but this incident from a game they won en route to winning a WS title (the very next night, in fact) is a petty argument.
  15. news this morning reported that they're going to have to wait 30 days before getting to court. what a stupid decision by these three kids to try this crap anywhere, let alone a foreign country.
  16. as long as they beat the raiders twice every year, i don't really care what they do.
  17. update: logan forsythe has re-signed with the doggies. another good article, ettin (and helpers).
  18. what a shame you can't celebrate something one of our guys did. kind of pathetic, really.
  19. wait, wut? get out of here with that crazy talk!
  20. LOL. One of the most dramatic games in Angels history and you're griping over this one singular play. BTW, did it affect the outcome of the game against the Angels? Keep it up, Shecky!
  21. p.s. perry still sucks! i'd like to throw him under a moving zamboni.
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