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Everything posted by Tank

  1. the "i'm not happy unless i'm miserable" guy.
  2. still waiting to hear on the meet place. if he chooses new york style pizza or a deli, well, i don't think that'll be a good omen.
  3. we went up against the glendale city council several years ago over our landlord. we lived in a really nice (though old) apartment complex where each unit was about 1600 sq. ft. there were 37 units but the clown who owned the land wanted to bulldoze them and in their place build 96 smaller units. the city council was grappling with what the zoning code recommendations were from one of their committees, and whether the area was zoned for that many units. we pleaded with them over and over, showed them all kinds of evidence for why those older units should be left alone, the impact it would have on traffic and parking, etc. Sadly, the council had three guys on it who were former contracters, and it became equivalent to asking a surgeon not to operate. in the end, despite months of pleading our case, the council voted 3-2 to change the zoning code so this clown could tear things down and rebuild. that was in 2006. to this day, he hasn't done a thing to rebuild. however, he did fire the maintainance guy, refused to replace the heater on the pool, didn't make necessary upgrades on bad equipment, and then raised the rents differently for those who protested at council meetings vs. those who didn't. We presented THAT evidence to the council also, and it fell on deaf ears inspite of pretty good record keeping and reporting. we ended up moving out in '08 to a brand new townhouse. lots of other residents left also as the prices kept going up while the services kept going down.
  4. i'm having lunch with him tomorrow. i'll see what i can find out.
  5. no beef, chicken, turkey, fish, or pork for me. i don't hassle about chicken or beef stock in soups or whatever. can't stand the smell or taste of fish, so no fish sauce, either. have had thai food only once and didn't really care for it so it's a non-issue for me. ate lots of mexican and italian food growing up as those were always the easiest places to find something decent without meat in it. it's a whole lot easier today as there are now restaurants that cater to vegetarians like the veggie grill or native foods.
  6. In space, no one can hear you scream.
  7. I don't like spicy hot food at all. Seems to remove the joy of eating for me. Jalapeños, in moderate amounts, are about as risky as I'll go. Have tried a habanero sauce from Chevys restaurant on their enchiladas and it was tempered very well so that it didn't burn a hole in my mouth. Don't care for sriacha at all, and would never even consider something hotter than that. ive got a friend whose tastes are so mild that he kids about not being able to tolerate anything spicier than ketchup.
  8. Lifelong for my 57 years. Parents raised us as veggies because of the beliefs of our religion. In the seventh day Adventist church we believe that a meat-free diet is the healthiest diet, and I've continued that as an adult. Wife is a veggie as is our daughter. We're not fanatics about it like Portland lesbian vegans. In fact, one of my culinary pleasures is the occasional all beef hot dog (we subscribe to the dietary counsel in Leviticus 11 about which meats are clean vs unclean, so we wouldn't eat crab, lobster, shrimp, or pork). There was a study done recently which identified the blue zones. These areas in the world with the longest life expectancy. One of those are is in Loma Linda, which is an area with a very heavy Adventist population. The longer life expectancy is directly tied to a healthier vegetarian diet.
  9. guys who piss and moan about coaches. the "arte doesnt care about winning" guy.
  10. there's a limit of only 13 lbs??? screw them, i'm out!
  11. the "here's my idea that none of you like, and i'll defend it to the death" guy. he usually gets all kinds of crap about digging in on an unreasonable position but never wavers from it. you have to respect that kind of temerity to hang on for life while everyone around you is telling you you're an idiot.
  12. i'm always a fan of the brand new poster who dissects the team and fixes all the problems guy.
  13. the "how come the angels didn't sign this player!?!" guy, as if players don't sign with the halos because it's only our fault.
  14. the "guys who'll be free agents three years from now" guy. the "remember that mistake sosh made in 1967? i'm still pissed about it" guy.
  15. yowza! i couldn't afford to buy that, but i'm sure it'd be worth every penny.
  16. from the bottom of my heart, thank you, red. that guy is a hero to me. he's like the bobby flay of the tofurkey world.
  17. the "you're stuck in a time warp using stats from the turn of the last century while i use modern stats like UsER and BM27" guy.
  18. both of those are same EXACT methods i use for my tofurkey. uncanny!
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