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Everything posted by Tank

  1. baseball reference has him listed as 6'2" 190lbs.
  2. let's hope it's real and not a dominican 17.
  3. that'll be up to manager jeff mathis to decide.
  4. just looked up his stats. surprised to see he's only 17 years old, so i guess it'll be a while until we see him in anaheim.
  5. i know nothing about this kid. is he someone who can bat leadoff?
  6. gotcha. hard to keep this cast of characters straight. don't know what liangelo's plans are but i imagine he'll have a tough time finding a university here that will take him. if he goes to europe to play (not sure china would want him after sunglassesgate) that'll be better for all of us because it'll mean less noise from his dad.
  7. hard to justify what the cons are doing, but it really highlights how they let political power sway them to get/keep control. very much a position of "it's wrong if you do it but tolerable if i do it."
  8. saw a couple of helicopter drops. the water was immediately in the wind and didn't come close to hitting the target. they're dropping from too high, but i imagine the winds are preventing them from going lower. that's going to prevent them from gaining control all that much more. this is pretty devastating.
  9. this kid comes with even more baggage now. how much would you want him at your university and playing for your team?
  10. Agreed. Almost said the same thing but didn't want to sound like an old man.
  11. we're gonna kick the crap out of you guys. excuses won't be coming from our side.
  12. totally insensitive, dude. or have you forgotten what the boat people did to neighborhoods dogs when they first arrived?
  13. no. if there was a saudi civil war then i guess i totally missed it.
  14. so you're going to boil down ryan's angel career to simply his ERA+? Wow, i guess you are lazy. i strongly suggest you look at his K's, complete games, and IP. Throw in the four no-hitters, just for laughs, too. And then, talk to someone who went to the stadium and watched him pitch in person and the excitement of watching him live and in person, not to mention the televised games. Weaver was a good pitcher here, and no one would try to argue differently. But better than Ryan, even by a slight margin? It's not even close, especially using a modern metric like ERA+. Oh, and did we mention that Ryan is in the HOF largely from his accomplishments as a Halo? Maybe that's worth mentioning too.
  15. you wouldn't do well in washington dc with that kind of attitude.
  16. could this lead to a civil war possibly?
  17. if stanton is winning championships, he really wouldn't have any reason to opt out to join those guys. he's already in an elite pay grade.
  18. a very colorful analogy, old friend. p.s. i hope i'm not having broccoli for dinner tonight.
  19. this is not a strong area for me so a lot of the info doesn't process well for me. what i know is that the market goes through a self-correction every so often and prices drop, sometimes more than expected or at a time not anticipated. i hope this current rise is something we can all ride for a good long while, but i'm ever conscious of a drop coming when least expected.
  20. could have saved yourself 26 hrs and 15 minutes and had a tofurkey.
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