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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i watched season 1 and really liked it, but for some strange reason, i just couldn't get in to season 2. lost track of it after that but glad to hear its still around. never liked the character Joe - just seemed like a total pig to me.
  2. there's a cartoon series called Little Bill, and it's based on characters from bill cosby. lots of good moral lessons (believe it or not).
  3. i'm a bit disturbed that it doesn't resume until feb. 28. that seems ridiculous.
  4. This seems like a gift that Lou has given to lots and lots of people.
  5. i still think we should kick the tires on arrieta. give him a call and see what he's looking for. adding him could be huge.
  6. he was trying to reenact root beer float day at the oakland coliseum. the ice cream, i assume, is just out of frame.
  7. i saw something on FB about washington state about to file suit over it. you're point is correct, but this will be interesting to watch.
  8. counting down the days until we find out that enjoying snow is racist.
  9. "you know, larry, there are a lot of really sexy and intriguing body parts we can cast in chocolate." "you're right, jim. let's do something that'll really appeal to a wide audience. should we start with boobs or dicks?" "neither . . . let's go right for the anus!"
  10. i don't know if he'll put better numbers but there isn't any reason to think he can't/won't repeat his performance of this past season. have you looked at his stats for the last few years? this guy is smack in the middle of a pretty darn impressive run. i don't think regressing is on his horizon for a few more years. https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/a/altuvjo01.shtml
  11. your post made me sad, ADB, so here's a picture to cheer us both up. enjoy.
  12. i like nother and have met him a couple of times. good kid and very generous. i don't really see him as a 'sit down at the nuke controls' kind of guy.
  13. i'm surprised this wasn't posted by @EnglishCop.
  14. i have no idea what this thread is about, but it's just screaming 'hookers and midgets' to me.
  15. just talked with one of my school parents. he thought a lot of it was focused on keeping the series relevant for millenials. he also said there are light saber fights, good guys and bad guys (depending on your persepctive), and flying vehicles.
  16. it's pronounced 'smith.' they're all silent letters, so please don't ask questions.
  17. the thomas fire is now over 250,000 acres, making it the fourth largest fire in CA history. almost 1000 bldgs destroyed, too. projections are that they won't have it contained until around january 7.
  18. have always liked eggnogg but never tried making my own. good holiday drink.
  19. i'm in the exact same boat on this series. haven't watched any episodes of season 2 since october but will try to finish during Christmas break. It's been an interesting series. is there going to be a season 3?
  20. i like this move. 3b, 2b, and LF have been taken care of before Christmas. let's see what eppy can do for the pitching next.
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