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Everything posted by Tank

  1. watched Dunkirt last night. meh. my daughter wanted to see it primarily because one of the lads from One Direction was in it. It wasn't much for dialogue, and i don't think they captured well for people unfamiliar with the story exactly all that this battle meant.
  2. interesting. didn't know about the fate of the original painting. there's lots of symbolism in this painting. there are 13 soldiers in it representing the 13 colonies (and things like that, but that's the only one i remember right now). heard a comedian once joke that the bravest person was not someone in the boat, but the artist swimming alongside painting the picture as it happened.
  3. hopefully he didn't tear a ligament or two or become dehydrated.
  4. congrats on signing with the mariners, tim! he'll go 4-17 7.58 against everyone else, and 4-0 1.17 against us.
  5. hey chuck, where did you swim with the dolphins? we swam with ours in cozumel.
  6. raiders eliminated from the playoffs. it was a good day.
  7. man, what a turnaround from a year ago. what a fun season to watch so far. will be good to have the local team back in the playoffs.
  8. if this were the NFL, arizona would be in the northeast and seattle in the midwest.
  9. what kind of world do we live in where russell martin is the 35th highest paid player in baseball at 20 mil for this coming season?
  10. Do not be silly. Ground balls to second base make as much sound as a pop up.
  11. Sleeping with your accountant . . . not a bad approach.
  12. I believe the vote of the EC is based on how we as citizens vote, is it not?
  13. Whew, thank goodness. Thought I was gonna have to brush my teeth again.
  14. i'm giving you extra credit for this reference.
  15. sure thing. here's the 26th amendment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-sixth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age. Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.[1]
  16. voting is for citizens. let them become citizens and they'll get a whole host of benefits, including the right to vote.
  17. seems like you're taking an unnecessary risk on this, cals. you need to call this guy asap. http://www.mgocpa.com/people/kenneth-l-goldman/
  18. did you just offer your wife to me? this is awkward and i'm not really sure how to handle something like this.
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