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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Richards, Heany, and Skaggs all have at least 24 starts. Pujols has 100 rbis again. calhoun and Cron both hit 20+ homers. the Angels make it to the ALCS. Trout is a 30/30 guy. Cozart hits less than .250
  2. In my six years of little league and pony-colt, I pitched one inning in relief. Walked one, gave up one hit, struck out one, and allowed zero runs. Got the win.
  3. that was such a great line from that movie. any idea if it was used in real life?
  4. great! i've got some pumpkin beer i'd like to give you, too.
  5. i appreciate you guys trying to do the math on this. i think how he's used in ST will give us an insight into what sosh is thinking and planning for him. there's going to be a big learning curve for him to adjust to the MLB and living in the US. there's also going to be a big learning curve for sosh in learning how best to utilize his unique talents.
  6. i went to the memorial service for dr. frank jobe. one of the guys on his medical team mentioned that as they looked at major league rosters, they roughly calculated that some 60% of pitchers have had TJ surgery. Kind of a staggering number, imo.
  7. if i were younger, lived closer, and didn't mind the cold weather, i'd probably once just to say i'd been. other than that, it holds the same appeal to me as going to the rose parade. i've been to the parade twice and don't ever plan to go again, even though it's less than 5 miles from my house. my wife and i will step outside and watch the plane fly by our house as it heads to pasadena to officially start the parade, and then we'll go back inside where it's warm and there's good food and no line to use the can.
  8. played scholl canyon today, a nice little course by my house. my daughter tagged along so she could drive the golf cart and get in a little practice. must have been a little something extra in my corn flakes this morning because i was hitting fantastically. ball flight was just as straight as an arrow, which surprised me quite bit. i had 2 birdies today, only the second time in my life i've had multiple birdies in a round. one was a chip in that ran right into cup. the other, and the one i was more proud of, was on a par 4. hit a decent drive then had an approach shot of 150 yards or so. pulled out my 6 iron (i still don't have great distance with my irons yet) and just flushed that puppy. straight as a pool cue and all over the cup. landed one foot past the hole and back up 2 feet, leaving me with a one foot tap in. it was one of the best shots i've ever hit. putted pretty awful today, mostly because i didn't get any warm up time outside of 2 putts on the putting green. the best thing about today was that i tried a new ball, the taylormade TP5. this ball is phenomenal! makes me regret the brand new box of hallway chromes i just bought. i'd return them but they were on sale and included a free stamp on them. they won't go to waste, but man, that TP5 is one bloody gorgeous ball to hit.
  9. phil, i'm only coming over to enjoy your pool if phoebe cates is also invited.
  10. if you talk to people who lived there prior to the uprising in '78/'79, they'll recall for your what a beautiful country it was and how nice it was to live there. things went into the crapper with the ayatollah and his minions seizing power and abandoning things that gov'ts do make their countries operate well. honestly, i'm surprised it didn't turn into a total flustercluck several years ago.
  11. i lost interest when i found out you have to stand a good 8 hours plus. screw that.
  12. sports journalist roy firestone says she was also connected to al capone. not sure how, but it sounds intriguing.
  13. Rams are going to rest a lot of starters this Sunday against the niners. Not terribly concerned whether they finish third or fourth overall according to coach McVay.
  14. We're switching from an HMO to PPO on 1/1, so I figured I'd call our doctors to let them know and see if it would create any issues. Each doctors office immediately asked me if I was switching to Obamacare/Covered California. When I told them know, they responded with "oh, okay, no problems and you'll be good to go." im assuming that's not the same reaction if I were switching to Obamacare.
  15. I hope this offer applies to your non-attorney friends, especially the ones who have some lovely pumpkin beer they'd love to pass along to YOU, one of the nicest people on the entire internet.
  16. Didn't realize she was still alive. She was pretty hilarious on Hollywood Squares in addition to her sitcom work.
  17. I'm playing golf tomorrow morning and probably wearing short.
  18. If you want info about cox, you know who you should call. She's the real expert around here...
  19. How were you able to do that? How do you connect one to the other? I've been watching amazon prime on my computer, fwiw.
  20. Curious that you react differently in both of these posts. i don't recall the discussion about it at the time, but I wonder if there were people who felt the same about going to a five man rotation the way you feel about about going to a six man rotation. im not clamoring for it or seeing it as some incredible solution. It might work well, it might not. We'll see how it goes in spring training and move on from there. It'll present some unique challenges along the way.
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