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Everything posted by Tank

  1. if moose tries FA again next year, he'll run into much of the same trouble because machado and harper will be available, and the bidding for them ought to be intense, leaving moose in the dust. he's one of the better FA available this year and there hasn't really been much news about anyone trying to sign him. next summer it'll be even moreso.
  2. kobe bryant told me to tell you he thinks you're a pretentious name-dropper. gary sinise thought so, too.
  3. tdawg, slow and steady wins the race. i gave up soda cold turkey - had a day where i allowed myself to have a final go at it, drank 3 mountain dews with adam and blargy, and haven't touched one since. that was july 11, 2016, and my craving for soda has disappeared (having kidney stones and the misery that comes with those has helped a lot in this process, but i hope you don't have to experience the same thing). my daughter had a sprite a few months after my surgery and i asked for a sip - man, it was so horribly sweet. i don't miss it at all. don't know how that will translate to beer, but i wish you luck. the two things i focus on now are keeping my carbs to <90 per day and my sugar to <10 grams per serving per day. i think if you simply cut back on these two specifically, the pounds will come off easier.
  4. carew wouldn't even crack my top 25. his accomplishments as a halo were rather pedestrian. dean chance won a cy young with us but doesn't have the longevity. same with don baylor and his mvp. brian downing ought to at least get a shout out from someone here. so you'd put alex curry on top of salmon? she'd be kind of a reverse cowboy, right? right??
  5. today, and today only, every single adult of legal age (18+) was born in the 1900s. as of tomorrow, there will be legal adults born in the 2000s.
  6. 2.5 hours to go until that stupid ball drops. i wonder how bad the traffic/crowds are once it's all over. can't imagine it's easy to get home very quickly from there. *still probably easier, safer, and quicker than leaving a dodgers game
  7. so we've been practicing driving with junior at forrest lawn, both in glendale and hollywood hills. good place to go, btw. what's been really odd about it is seeing all of the graves that have been "decorated" for Christmas. we've seen all kinds of red poinsettias, giant candy canes, angels, glitter garland, and Christmas trees, some as tall as 5 feet. Is this normal? my impression is that it's an armenian or filipino thing, but they've made sections of the cemetery look like candyland.
  8. when i was kid in the 60s and 70s, i don't remember the ball drop being a very big deal. maybe it was and i just wasn't aware of it, but it seems that in the last 10-15 years, it's become the center of the world for american tv audiences.
  9. raiders have fired jack del rio? why? that seems like a pretty stupid decision, but then again, that's kind of become synonymous with how the franchise is run (thank goodness).
  10. the radio broadcasters said today's game felt like the 4th preseason game.
  11. we tried to go to the dodger stadium parking lot last week but it was locked up tight. i wish i lived close enough to the Big A so that we could practice there, but forrest lawn glendale has been a good place to practice (forrest lawn hollywood hills, too). i think we'll boldly hit the streets of glendale tomorrow morning while everyone's watching the parade.
  12. if i were a player, i would have final say. i'd let my agent know what i'm looking for and negotiate accordingly, but it would rest on my shoulders. i've always assumed that's how pro athletes do it, too, but the reality is that none of us have been in on any of the negotiation process or are privy to exactly how these things work. we go off a lot of rumor and innuendo and supposition, but you and i simply don't know what it's like to be in the room with boras and a GM.
  13. thanks, LHalo. I feel so much better and am now smaller/lighter than the average cholo dodger fan. my goal is to lose 225, so i'm within 37 lbs. of that, and if i continue working hard, i'll get there.
  14. i can't see her without thinking of you, my friend.
  15. we've been practicing at forrest lawn, you know, just in case.
  16. I think these four would compose the backside of mt. rushmore.
  17. note to self: avoid reading LHalo's diary or shaking hands with him.
  18. good luck, LHalo. i've been in a major stall the last two months, but am starting to come out of it. have lost 5.5 pounds the last two weeks and have now lost a total of 188.4 over the last 19 months. went to universal studios with my daughter last week and rode everything there without any size issues. walked all day long (12k + steps) and had no issues.
  19. love this kid and hope he'll learn to stop dropping so many passes.
  20. so sue me. i have a friend who's judge and will side in my favor and you'll owe me millions. i'm also teaching my daughter to drive right now, and that's all the risk i'm up for these days.
  21. Why are you peeing outside in those conditions? Maybe that's a better issue to address for your freakshow desires. with all due respect, of course.
  22. Should have named it "Thanks, Obama!"
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