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Everything posted by Tank

  1. interesting . . . as i think about this, it's completely true that i have never seen both of you at the same place or at the same time . . . it's kind of a michael jackson/janet jackson thing.
  2. good points, but the only thing i would add is that you can't build a team with just one trade or in just one year. it has to be done over time, and picking up simmons when we did - inspite of how we felt about it at the time or whether or not we love our wives - appears NOW to have been the right time to get him. if we didn't get him when we did, maybe someone else would have picked him up and we would have lost out completely.
  3. yeah, you're right about that. candle-stink was about the worse place any human could go. but oakland is still a toilet all on its' own merits.
  4. i think it was mark twain who once said "the coldest winter of my life was the summer i spent in san fransisco", or something like that. oakland is the same.
  5. this seems like a good place for your needs, eli, especially if your RV is having plumbing problems. https://www.mlb.com/dodgers/spring-training/ballpark
  6. what the . . .? you might as well start talking crap about ralston schmidt, you communist. watch it, or else.
  7. this needs the proper perspective, erstad. most people were pissed because it seemed like we overpaid to get him by giving up the top two pitching prospects in the organization plus out starting SS. Many here hadn't really watched Simmons play, and his hitting stats were pretty unimpressive. it felt like we got fleeced on this deal. fortunately, simmons was tons better than what we expected, aybar fizzled badly, and the two pitching prospects haven't amounted to anything. This trade ended up being a huge win for the angels, and i've never been so glad to be wrong.
  8. hurts is a truly humble guy. he was just interviewed by the espn guy and was just as humble as he could possibly be. impressive young man.
  9. that was absolutely unreal. this alabama QB won't have any trouble getting dates this winter and spring.
  10. less than a minute left in the 4th and alabama just got a first down inside the georgia 20.
  11. alabama benched their starting QB for the second half, opting for a true freshman. this kid is having a huge half and bama is on the verge of taking the lead late in the 4th.
  12. if you have high speed internet that isn't spotty at all, she might take you up on it. she'll also need plenty of mac 'n cheese to eat. can you deliver?
  13. i agree. if it's not too late, start a citizenship process now for those who wish to apply. you can fix the ignorance of past administrations while being compassionate at the same time. if they choose not to apply for citizenship, that's on them and they know what the consequences will be.
  14. so, super bowl party at adam's house! i'll bring the kale chips and guacamole made from pinto beans and sassafrass roots.
  15. how can you tell which people it affects? i seem to find nothing but idiots and morons out there every time i drive somewhere.
  16. so, you sold out to The Man. for shame, adam, for shame.
  17. saw that muzzin was placed on IR. i'm guessing it's for the common "lower body" or "upper body" injury we see so much of these days. anyone know what happened and how long he'll be out? saw an update on jeff carter right around Christmas. they said he hasn't come close to starting to skate yet and is likely out until March.
  18. I'm having lunch with him tomorrow. I'll see if he's interested.
  19. No. Now go away, i have work to do.
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