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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Hey that's you and Tommy Lasorda... [smashes picture] I hate Tommy Lasorda.
  2. yep - lots on my mind this week with dad breaking his hip and daughter dropping out of school. will get back on this next week. that being said, when i went to the website earlier yesterday and again today, i couldn't find anything about this week's tournament. how do you locate it? or is that only visible prior to the tournament?
  3. back in the summer of '81 i worked at the windsurfer company. nearly everyone there was from guatemala or el salvador. it was common knowledge in the factory that these guys had a family here in LA and another family back home. most of them sent money back to their native countries each week.
  4. remember a few years ago when there were stories that amazon might fold up their tents?
  5. perfect! that's the kind of outside-the-box thinking that makes this site so electric!
  6. maybe we should just declare russia a sh*thole nation and let the chips fall where they may.
  7. i can't think of a more fair comparison than a woman selling pet rocks and a huge movie star making a movie seen by millions.
  8. sorry to hear that, cez. hope the kid has a good support system around him, and hope you can be part of that.
  9. is there also a nice hitching post outside so you can tie up your horse?
  10. and make sure you're attorney is licensed to practice in arizona.
  11. day 1 in miami: Woodrum: Hi Mr. Jeter. My thorough analysis says that it's in the best interests of this team to keep talented players like Stanton and Gordon. Jeter: Hit the bricks. loser. You're fired.
  12. looks like i'll need to change my weekend plans.
  13. i'm watching truth and lies: the tonya harding story right now. she had to endure a lot of crap in her life. but she's also a very unsympathetic character.
  14. once you lose those two minutes, you can never get them back.
  15. incredible thread. would read again.
  16. do you mean except carroll? or was carroll also fired?
  17. oh well, looks like y'all are going to get the upper hand on me this week. enjoy it while it lasts, suckers!
  18. one issue that she'll have to confront - she's an unmarried woman living with a man. there are an awful lot of people who see that as a sin, and at a time when the religious right is alive and well, that'll be a hurdle for her should she choose to run.
  19. shoot, i forgot to set my team for this week. is today the only day you can do it for the tournament? i don't have my password here with me so i'm crossing my fingers that i can access the page.
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