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Everything posted by Tank

  1. holy crap, what arrogance! none of this being done in sacramento is constitutional, and i fully expect this to land in front of the SCOTUS before too terribly long. state law does not trump federal law, and the idiots in california are setting up to learn this the hard way. won't somebody with an ounce of gray matter left craft a plan to make gaining citizenship easier so this battle can stop bankfupting our state?
  2. honest question, and not asked in any kind of argumentative way - how did you feel about clinton and his extramarital affairs?
  3. yeah, so what's your point? #hateonlythoseyouknow
  4. a little more smug than an msnbc reporter.
  5. the rest of us aren't left with much in the way of good choices. how do we encourage better candidates to run? maybe that's what we really need to target at some point. i'm tired of having to choose between the trumps and clintons of this country.
  6. it's only the vegans who wear birkenstocks because they're radicalized, so you're safe with me. i'd just get you back by giving you a veggie burger made from black beans, lemon grass, hemp, chia seeds (they seem to promote hair growth), and plain white yogurt as a binding agent. then i'd top it with ketchup made from sassafrass roots with carrot juice for color, and organic onions grown next to a rain forrest that are ecologically renewable.
  7. we all know campaign speeches are filled with incredible amounts of bull, yet we still have a majority of people buying into them. it's like the incredible surprise on the face of contestants on 'survivor' when they find out one of their mates lied.
  8. i wonder if he had CTE. regardless, a terrible tragedy.
  9. it seems like the NFL is a modern day version of gladiator battles. fans love it, players love making big hits. announcers decry rules meant to protect players ("why don't they just put a skirt on the QB? etc). things won't change until the people who love playing or are making the most money are willing to change things or give up certain things.
  10. the difference between richards and all of those listed above is health. they had it, and richrads doesn't. i'd love for him to pitch a full 33 starts this season (or however many it is), but i'm not realistically expecting that many from him. we have no idea how well his arm will hold up or if he'll be effective.
  11. for the majority of americans, i think you're spot on. just look at how many idiots we have in washington that are incumbents. and this is comes at a time when congress continues to have some of its lowest approval ratings. why do we keep reelecting them? i'd like to think that most of us here are more involved/aware, but i wouldn't swear by it.
  12. At that price I think he signs. Plus he'd be in one of the best baseball towns in the country.
  13. No way. I think Machado is dooshy enough to think he's a 300 million man and will reject anything less.
  14. You have to at least kick the tires on Darvish and see what he's looking for in years and cash. If he's affordable, he makes us a better team.
  15. They also suck at giving discounts. They have an educational program that gives discounts to teachers. The last time I went computer shopping they were offering a $75-100 discount on a $2300 MacBook. Oooh!
  16. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/apple-pay-38-billion-repatriation-181530477.html dig out the checkbook, boys.
  17. new california is a stupid name. they should go with east california or barren wasteland.
  18. i hate to pile on, but the media is so obviously complicit in this. look at what they're reporting on and what they're pretty much ignoring. they have such a position of inlfuence, and people don't usually want to be bothered to dig deeper and see what else is really going on. without a doubt, if you did a man-on-the-street interview tonight about the sh*thole comment vs. the warrantless searches, far, FAR more people will be upset about the former and ignorant of the latter, and that just shouldn't be.
  19. Tings that matter: warrantless seaches against the citizenry being in place things that don't really matter: calling a bunch of sh*thole countries actual sh*tholes.
  20. standing ovation, rally. i'm glad this post wasn't S T U P I D.
  21. big fan of Thousand Island dressing. the best i've had is at northwoods inn and the old spaghetti factory.
  22. after i buy that, all i'll need is a beach house and two more porsches. then laura diaz will run into my arms and we'll drive off together into the sunset, happy as larks.
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