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Everything posted by Tank

  1. very true. brisket looks very good to me and i'm willing to try it sometime.
  2. If there's a riot in Canada, one the following has happened: 1. A Canadian team won the Stanley Cup 2. A Canadian team has lost the Stanley Cup 3. Gordon Lightfoot died
  3. You'd like to think you're immune to the stuff. oh yeah.
  4. I can eat kale in an omelette at 6 am. Edge: Lowell
  5. people used to say the same thing about @Adam, but then he had that terrible bath tub in-sink-erator disaster and everything changed.
  6. i was hoping someone here might give me his gift card to ed-ray obster-lay or live-o-ay arden-gay. ohtani needs to see some of the high caliber ethnic foods available here. * the non-disclosure does not prevent me from typing in pig latin
  7. i think most of us would rather have rachel.
  8. my privacy disclosure prevents me from discussing this with anyone outside of the organization (or people 'who are not in the industry'). but yeah, something like that.
  9. i think he'd have to be incredibly wasted first, then get black-out drunk, and then fall into a coma. at least that's what it'd take for me.
  10. i'm picking him up at LAX at 2200 zulu time. Lunch TBD.
  11. man, you arizona'd it. smh.
  12. If you REALLY want to punish them, make them hire Sarkissian and Lane Kiffin for their football and basketball and water polo teams.
  13. saw him as a phillis playing against the dodgers with that wonderfully huge 'fro. hit a home run that night that didn't clear the wall - it actually landed on the top of the wall and then kicked over into the seats.
  14. we all agree since no one wants to pay $12 for a tomato. my issue is how can we create a legal process for this to happen so that they stop sneaking in illegally and, in many cases, being a burden to the system? i don't think it should take 12 years to become a citizen, but i'm greatly troubled by all of the 'dreamers' who keep clamoring for more and more benefits/rights without ever mentioning a desire to become citizens.
  15. B- he loses points for clapping for himself and for clapping into the mic. he's also not a particularly good speaker as far his delivery goes. i'm glad he stuck to the script and didn't wander off on tangents like he did during the campaign. that would not have played well with anyone for this particular speech.
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