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Everything posted by Tank

  1. right on, GB. i'm hopeful that the success of falcon heavy renews our national interest in space and gets people off their butts to start doing more amazing things. THIS is the kind of stuff that has made america great. they have a new apollo type rocket in development - plans have even been made public. i don't think it's for traveling to mars, but i don't remember right now.
  2. you know what? the rent is too damn high.
  3. this was so much fun to watch so i decided to show the simulation video to both of my 8th grade classes this afternoon. one of them really liked it and who knows how the other class felt. we had a good discussion about it with the one class. i'd like to get more info on the car and how it's being guided. i'm also fairly confident that KLAA 830 comes in clearer on that car radio than it does here in glendale.
  4. i grew up with the apollo program, and they were always spectacular to watch. but i have to tell you, watching the two side boosters come back and land at KSC? EFFIN' A, BUBBA!!! that was beyond cool. and putting the spaceman in the car was just too brilliant. i was yelling in excitement at the screen watching all of this. thank goodness i have a free period right now or the kids would have me committed.
  5. there was a point in time they were going to start doing shuttle launches from vandenburg, and i was really excited about that. nasa changed their minds for whatever reasons and it never happened. if spacex starts launching from there, i'd try to find a way to go. that'd be pretty amazing.
  6. you have to wonder if there'll be a post-world series hangover for them. we've seen it from others in the past. or they could have had their appetite whetted so much they win again this year.
  7. do you know how much brandon wood's rating changed after his monster season in A ball?
  8. i hope frazier signing with the mets doesn't prevent david wright from playing his usual 6 games this season.
  9. this post ought to be like a bat signal to anaheim bob.
  10. has now been down for as long as it was up. https://www.economist.com/blogs/kaffeeklatsch/2018/02/28-years-two-months-and-27-days
  11. no. it was the realization that tom brady is still part human and that it was possible for the pats to lose a super bowl.
  12. and then he went and signed a minnor league deal with the rangers yesterday. i hope he's one ex-angel that really sucks against us.
  13. it's been a while, but the last time i checked, the last train from the stadium to union station left at 9:00, game over or not. that seemed like a pain so i've never taken it. if the 11:30 deadline applies to union station, i may change my mind this year. i hate sitting in that traffic.
  14. ha! i'll get to add JT Barrett next year.
  15. well, everyone except cris collingsworth. other than that, no complaints.
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