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Everything posted by Tank

  1. and the occasional lunch with tank. you know, this just might work.
  2. yeah, and how did you get on the field??
  3. i'm sure he could use any offer to try and leverage more out of someone else. that's the inherent risk. it'll come down to things like location, potential to win, and who he gets to play with. the fact that we have trout and simmons and our defense behind him can be used as major selling points to convince him to sign here (if there are similar offers). if someone else is willing to pony up 5/160, well, we probably won't stand much of a chance to sway him to come here.
  4. i was going to say 2/40 with a team option, but yours works, too. if arrieta is willing to sign for something like that, i'd be interested in signing him to a short contract with option years.
  5. i'm willing to accept that responsibility. it's the cross i'll have to bear. it's my journey and none of you can go with me.
  6. i remember that there were also complaints from the neighbors that koresh and his group were firing weapons at all hours of the day and night on their property and that wasn't legal.
  7. for those who may have been wondering, i have no plans to have lunch with lincecum.
  8. had never tried grits until i was in north carolina. figured i wasn't have a better shot at a good bowl of them anywhere else. asked others what to put on them (butter and cheese). had some at our hotel restaurant and they were very blah. one of the guys in my group said they weren't really good grits to begin with. so he and i were at a chain restuarant in the area (don't remember the name but they served blueberrry jam that was out-of-this-world good) and ordered the grits again. this time, they were absolutely delicious and i would have gladly ordered a second bowl from them. only had them with cheese and butter and i liked that combination. maybe a little garlic would also be nice. not sure what else i'd eat them with.
  9. i know there have been many here who defend video games, but the maturity level of those here far exceeds high school aged kids with poor social skills. one thought that really resonated with me came from a colleague several years ago. she said "my biggest issue with video games for kids is that they learn to solve their problems by killing those who cause them. they don't learn conflict resolution of any kind." she was spot on. most adults have tthe discernment to know the difference, but not very many kids do. it's a maturity thing and a life experience thing that these kids just haven't finished developing.
  10. gotta admit, i was looking forward to reading an article about how the horses were now going to race on some kind of meandering track with the black & white markers defining the track instead of just in an oval. i'm a little disappointed.
  11. yippee, another reference to something from 2005! keep 'em coming, A-Bob!
  12. my point is that it's overkill for what you're trying to accomplish, like taking an RV to go to 7-11 for a bag of ice.
  13. californias homicide rate by guns has gone up. http://www.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article177540461.html LA is still not a very safe city. http://esfandilawfirm.com/gun-crime-statistics-los-angeles/
  14. right on. this is an issue at my school, built in 1907 when this kind of stuff was never even considered, let alone planned for. our school is in the process of fundraising to build a security fence around the property, but i'm not aware of how they're planning to address visitors wandering in during the day. the honor system is required on our campus by the sheer problem of facility layout. i also talked to my principal just this morning about replacing several of the classroom doors - many, including mine, have cheap 1/4" plywood panels that would serve as no barrier whatsoever to someone with intentions to do harm. it's an easy though somewhat expensive fix, but it's necessary at a time when we may have a lockdown or have to shelter in place. as things stand now, our doors are a slight inconvenience to someone with a purpose, and the potential loss of life could be staggering on our campus.
  15. and bump stocks are still available after las vegas. as someone else once said here, if the massacre at sandy hook (and now at vegas) didn't move the needle, nothing will. these mass murders will continue to happen until one of the shootings takes place where a bunch of legislator's kids attend school. then we'll see some action,
  16. if you're using a semi-automatic military grade weapon to bag a deer, perhaps hunting isn't the best option for you. it's like using a tennis racket to play ping pong.
  17. a plea to unify voices: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/2/15/1741546/-NRA-vs-A-Plea-to-Gun-Control-Groups-UNIFY?_=2018-02-15T05%3A46%3A39.291-08%3A00
  18. in all seriousness, i don't really have a huge concern about it. i'm a lot more concerned/worried about armed citizens who mean to do harm. statistically, that's a far, FAR more likely scenario for any of us to face than a gov't gone off the rails. just look at all of the shootings at schools, or in chicago each day, or just in general. gun violence is all around us, and it's going to affect all of us at some point with the way things are going. people are so angry over an abundance of things, and with the ease of availability of guns, they see a quick way to address their grievances. this is a daily problem, and it's an enormous national problem that just keeps getting shoved along with no real solutions being put into play. how long until it affects you or me or any of us here? we haven't had to seriously worry about the gov't coming after us nationally since what, the 1860s?
  19. fwiw, i drank a peach flavored Propel water today and really liked it. if that qualifies me to be sent to the pit of misery, so be it.
  20. as a group, it seems we pretty much suck on this day.
  21. thanks, GB. interesting info. i kind of figured doughty would be quite a bit higher than that.
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