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Everything posted by Tank

  1. cousin oliver from the brady bunch!
  2. Wasn't Joel Youngblood also one of those that was traded for himself?
  3. oh that i could. they drive like hell, like they're bulletproof.
  4. i've seen and heard plenty about this guy being a gigantic piece of crap that fell through some very big cracks in the system. i think that message is being overwhelmed by the fact that we've had yet another massive school shooting and relatively nothing is being done to try and change things. people are pissed and want to see things change.
  5. At least this way he won't beat the crap out of us like he did in Houston.
  6. As long he doesn't turn into Napoli or Trumbo, this isn't a bad deal.
  7. Stopped reading at non-vegan. he sucks.
  8. Can we agree that there are multiple things involved in this issue and that this was not an isolated or unique event? There's not one single problem alone to solve here.
  9. Standing ovation for this high school girl. often times in our country it's taken a grass roots movement for things to change. I hope this is the start of that.
  10. I'll be 58 on Wednesday. A nice iTunes gift card would be appreciated.
  11. alright, so what would you do? how would you define mental illness/deficiency? and don't you think the professionals in our society would do a pretty reasonable job of defining this? or are you in favor of guns for anyone who wants them, regardless of their mental stability? maybe this particular 'right' needs a tad more definition and clarity than the others, none of which can be used in such a way as to slaughter a bunch of people when used in the ways we've see so much of in the last thirty years. of course, we could always continue doing the status quo and start planning for the next batch of child funerals in the next couple of weeks.
  12. i wonder how many people were influenced enough by these actions to have actually changed their mind on voting for hillary to voting for trumpy. i'm not sure that's a measurable thing at this point.
  13. i posted this in another thread but it probably belongs here. https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/06/opinions/why-we-dont-give-a-damn-about-mass-shootings-robbins/index.html this is a good read with a lot of valuable thoughts about this issue. it's worth your time. as a nation, we're in an absolute standstill about this right now. both sides, namely the extremists it seems, are so entrenched in their views that we've become completely impotent about doing something to really address the problem. cries of "but they're trying to take all your guns" and "laws only affect those who follow them and wouldn't have prevented any of these shootings" are rampant. we also hear "congress has do something - ANYTHING! - to put a stop to these shootings." we've somehow created this as an all-or-nothing issue, and that's foolish and politically motivated. what's abundantly clear is that there are several layers in this issue to be considered: mental health issues and better screening procedures for who can get guns, what kind of guns can/should/shouldn't be available to the public, the role of the NRA, the role of congress, arming more citizens, arming teachers, etc. There isn't any kind of easy or quick solutions for this, but maintaining the current status quo will continue to result in an increased body count. I don't know the answer, but i firmly believe that if somehow a group can set aside politics and really dig deep on finding reasonable solutions, then progress can start to be made. Until that happens, the page count in this thread will challenge the 'Trumped' thread page count sooner rather than later.
  14. the russians may have contributed to casting hilary in a dim light, but i don't think she really needed much help from them to look dirty/evil/unsavory.
  15. fair enough. someone who presents a danger to themselves or others, or someone who is emotionally unstable, or has a diagnosed illness such as being bi-polar, schizophrenic, etc.
  16. that seems like all the more reason to prevent them from buying something that can kill a lot of people with relative ease.
  17. if the answer isn't red lobster, then i guess none of us know you as well as we think we do. i hope you and @Adam had a nice meal.
  18. c. thomas howell can rally us. plus, he also has experience and some kind of relationship with lea thompson.
  19. the next door neighbor to this kid and his granny is a girl i went to high school with.
  20. i don't have school on monday so this morning i got to turn off the alarm on my phone for the beginning of next week. that's always a good feeling.
  21. i think all of our refined and processed foods are finally taking their toll on our health. in my men's chorus we have a very active prayer ministry, and at our concerts people can write down things they'd like us to pray about. it's staggering how many of the requests deal with someone who's fighting cancer. i don't doubt that our american diet contributes to it more than our food industry knows (or wants to let on). *INO not included #poornate
  22. one thing we can be thankful for is the number of kids who post stuff on social media sites. quite a few attacks have been thwarted because kids have made known their intentions.
  23. (insert nurse fantasy story here)
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