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Everything posted by Tank

  1. I think it's time the halos really honored him for what he did for the franchise. I'm thinking it's time for The ultimate give-away - a velvet painting (and not one of those cheap bullfighter ones you find at older Mexican restaurants - sorry, Lou). If anyone deserves to be honored with a velvet painting, it's Ralsty.
  2. Sounds like you could use a day away from the keyboard, amigo.
  3. the first two are from riverfront stadium in cincinnati and the third pic is from three rivers stadium in pittsburgh. IIRC they originally just had a line painted on the wall but after a few years, they added some construction so that there was more of an actual wall for the ball to go over. busch stadium in st. louis and veterans stadium in philly were also similarly constructed at the same time, and i think jack murphy in san diego and the kingdom in seattle had something similar to the painted line for a while. the multi-use stadiums were really pretty awful about this. one of the things that was nice when all of the new stadiums were being designed and built in the 80s and 90s was the return of nicer outfield areas instead of just a wall with a painted line.
  4. there are a few of the old time parks from the 70s that had a yellow line to indicate home runs. i never really cared for any of them. i'm guessing this will be a temporary situation in anaheim for this year with construction changes to be made next winter. they'll have to add some kind of new, closer wall to make yellow line more than just paint on the wall in right.
  5. well said, UTH. if i watch the evening news, i tend to watch local stations. if there's a national story, i like to watch CBS.
  6. good. i hope this moves through the system quickly. i also anticipate there'll be a big run on these online.
  7. those dwayne johnson memes can be pretty good. in my circle of friends, there's one about him and the girl talking about having a vegetarian potluck after church that's pretty good.
  8. okay, red, fair point. maybe someone who watches and understand these issues better than i can address it in a better way than me. when i've watched the straight out news broadcasts, they all seem pretty middle of the road. however, when it comes to commentary (for every hannity on the right there's a maddow on the left), i think the left-leaning news teams far outweigh the right. that's perhaps a more accurate comparison than just the simple reporting of the main stories of the day.
  9. you'll get no argument from me on fixing the broken parts of the system. i think stories like this emphasize the need to fix it. maybe roof and cruz don't do what they end up doing if the the feds did their job better. maybe the feds will be more motivated to do their (%*&%^ jobs so more of these tragedies can avoided down the road.
  10. i brought up msnbc because they're equally as biased as people accuse fox news of being. it's a fascinating dynamic to me around here and really everywhere. the news is frequently so heavily left-leaning, but one single right-leaning station comes around and people lose their collective mud over it, as if the balance of honest reporting news stations has been irreparibly harmed and that all other remaining news gatherers are nothing but fair and impartial. nothing could be further from the truth.
  11. who currently does background checks when someone applies to buy a gun? i'd probably let them be the deciders in this case, and any decisions can be appealed to a court if they disagree with it. i think involving lawyers should be the last step, not the first step.
  12. i'd like to see these conditions apply for everyone who owns a gun, not just those wanting a CCW. found out yesterday one of my former students has been denied several times for a CCW. he's pissed off about it, too, and doesn't understand why he was denied. judging by his comments to me yesterday, it seems like a wise decision that he's been denied.
  13. saw this on FB today. i think this is something that @red321 proposed once upon a time. it's something i support fully.
  14. i had no idea that being a longshoreman was something you could do while recovering from an injury. i mean, that's practically like a desk job, right? i wonder if albert pujols knows about this...
  15. huh, i didn't know stickboy was in dubai last week.
  16. good news, everyone . . . i'm gonna to become a half pipe skier for hungary in the next winter games! woo hoo! now, how i do become hungarian? honestly, good for her. nothing wrong with what she did.
  17. yeah, that was a pretty brutal version of the anthem.
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