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Everything posted by Tank

  1. let's just make a blanket rule that if you aren't hitting .750 by the end of february, you should just quit the game right then and there.
  2. yet another reason to be a vegetarian . . . you'll get truth in advertising from us.
  3. in my family, there is no intestinal gas like the gas produced from white or navy beans. how bad, you ask? well, you know that gas leak here in the san fernando valley that has hospitalized some residents and shut down the entire facility while they try to figure out the problem? big deal.
  4. his hospital is right across the street from me. i should go pay him a visit.
  5. i wonder what the turnover rate is for all of his companies. i have to imagine it's pretty high and that he's a horrible boss to work for.
  6. not so fast, sunshine. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/02/28/georgia-teacher-in-custody-after-reports-shots-fired-at-high-school.html
  7. thanks, nate. any explanation from carson on what happened?
  8. where can you buy foofy wrap? i'm starting to run low.
  9. i wonder how carson's spending on this compares to previous HUD secretaries and what they spent. is that a normal amount for that dept. to spend? just hearing that he spent $31k lacks some context.
  10. reeves seemed to want to make a huge impression tonight in his first game. he's always been a tough guy, but tonight he just looked like a headhunter. kings looked and played a very composed game tonight. two wins against vegas in 24 hours? nice.
  11. you might even make a couple of bucks on the way.
  12. raise your hand if you thought that tim lincecum would be signed for this season before jake arrieta.
  13. here's what i'd like to see. i'd like to see them stop blocking efforts to study guns and gun violence in this country by the CDC (i'm not clear on why the CDC is the group to study this, but whatever - it needs to be done). I'd like to see them act like they give a flying phvck whenever there's a mass murder in this country and be willing to work with congress on finding reasonable things to slow down the types of weapons available to any of us. Every time one of these disasters happens, their tone is one of "well they shooter wasn't one of us and we denounce what they've done, but we have no interest in seeing any type of compromise on what the average joe can buy." They're getting in the way of meaningful dialogue and hopefully some substantive efforts at reform. Their position is usually for unfettered access for most anyone. They push an agenda of all of us arming ourselves.
  14. point to any single thing the NRA has done to help solve this problem, to admit that some reasonable steps need to be taken without compromising on the 2A. take as much time as you need.
  15. state gov't has the power/ability to pass legislation against a corporation because that corporation doesn't want to give discounts to members of a lobby? that sounds pretty illegal to me. how soon until they pass laws against staples for not supporting a discount for deer hunters or members of the klan? this is a very slippery slope.
  16. holy crap! glad i don't live in georgia. as long as Delta doesn't break any laws, they should be allowed to do business with whomever they like. this is a very worrisome overreaction by state gov't leaders.
  17. i was in whole foods market on sunday and saw that they're selling bottled sauce from The Salt Lick, for those who may be interested.
  18. Is the waiting period tied in to the background check?
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