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Everything posted by Tank

  1. not that there's anything wrong with that...
  2. so true. in fact, it's one of the strengths - hey, wait a minute!
  3. personally, i'm gonna miss seeing bieksa on the ice.
  4. agreed. we would never tolerate that noise at el camino.
  5. deal! tom hanks will always be my alter ego.
  6. in fairness, she's keeping herself in the news. it's not like anyone here is going out of their way to find obscure news about her. "hey, hillary ate dinner at spago last night. i think i'll let everyone at aw.com know about it."
  7. i remember watching a tiny bit of the '67 world series and a little bit of the '68 world series. i vaguely remember when mantle retired. my daughter is as old as some of the guys in A ball.
  8. man, i want him to do as well as the next guy, but the big difference right now is these guys all have major league experience, something ohtani has yet to acquire. i don't see any harm in starting him in AAA if that's what's best for him and the team in the long run (it worked out well for weaver). i don't want to see him start in anaheim and get so completely rocked that he never finds his way clear to being successful here. i'd go the cautious route with him.
  9. nowhere near an INO, that's for sure.
  10. had a good week and dropped 4.5 lbs. now down a grand total of 191.6.
  11. she looks like she needs something to settle her down like a couple of pumpkin beers...
  12. you know, this is such a rare commodity that i don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. it's like matching a pet with the right owner.
  13. you know, if you keep up that kind of attitude i just may remove you from the list of people i'd most like to see win this coveted prize.
  14. donnie jr.s' wife filed for divorce today.
  15. seriously? LOL. i was thinking a better comparison would be rally and tdawg.
  16. interesting story. keep us updated, if you don't mind.
  17. bummer. while i don't need them personally any more, i always appreciated that they were nearby. are they keeping an online store available for what must be a ridiculous amount of inventory?
  18. didn't uncle hylton come to a couple of aw.com functions back in the day? couldn't sworn he and i played on the same softball team.
  19. i have it on good authority that el camino would be THRILLED to get an invite to the NIT.
  20. i had serious doubts about him ever winning on tour again. i've changed my stance on that. there might even be another major in his future (though it'll take a lot to convince me/us that he'll catch jack).
  21. well, his presence on the team does seem to piss off a lot of people.
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