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Everything posted by Tank

  1. btw, the tofu and alfalfa sprouts ceviche was divine.
  2. says the guy who thinks dining 'al fresco' means you don't have to wear any pants. p.s. i tried that at home once and my wife made me finish eating in the backyard by the trash cans and the cat food bowl. lesson learned.
  3. okay, fair enough. i'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but only this once!
  4. i'm having lunch with both of them right now. i'll see what i can find out.
  5. yeah, i wouldn't have thought it very likely. have seen too many gms come in with guns blazing and the appearance of really doing something, only to see it fail miserably. after seeing the simmons-aybar trade, was expecting more of the same from this guy i knew nothing about. simmons is a beast, he's rebuilt our farm quickly, and signing ohtani looks to be the steal of the year. boy, am i glad to have been completely wrong about eppler.
  6. what's our draft position for the first round this year?
  7. welcome aboard, gary. as more people discover what you do and the offer you've made, expect your in-box to get a lot of activity, especially after our first two-game losing streak.
  8. waiting for you to tell us next that you have a beach house, 3 porsches, and have a collection of laura diaz's greatest hits.
  9. i would like to officially and publicly withdraw my initial outrage when this trade was announced. we clearly got the best in this deal.
  10. i think harper is a gigantic doosh. that said, signing him and putting him in this lineup would be a pretty darn fantastic thing to do.
  11. i heard he's on the 5 driving towards south coast plaza. is there anyone here who regularly plays video games with him? maybe they could give us an update.
  12. wait, so you won't listen to terry smith on the radio but you listen to roger lodge? color me confused.
  13. it's a bold prediction. i like it.
  14. meh, he should be fine on it. afterall, augusta is known for being flat and level, with hardly an uphill in sight.
  15. loved saunders, but boy did we trade him at the right time.
  16. oh, for sure, just like Adam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0
  17. the $100,000 limit on spending is something i'm not enjoying for the masters. i wish they'd give us more money to spend for the majors.
  18. that's EXACTLY why i have refused to make a hole in one so far. btw, bummer for tony.
  19. we're all good. still greek after all these years.
  20. my only complaint about victor is that there are times where a pitch is made and he says absolutely nothing about it, there's just dead silence from him and gubi and no mention of it being a ball or strike. i've seen several times where this has gone on for two pitches in a row. dead air on a tv broadcast isn't good.
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