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Everything posted by Tank

  1. ??? wouldn't a bogey be considered a crooked score?
  2. Posted 11 hours ago From Tank: Not nearly as angry as all of the opinions about this topic (based on nothing at this point but insane projections and wild speculation) that we'll continue to see on this board over the next two plus years.
  3. Not nearly as angry as all of the opinions about this topic (based on nothing at this point but insane projections and wild speculation) that we'll continue to see on this board over the next two plus years.
  4. Okay, not the worst move. I'm guessing it was more about moving Andreoff. He was tough but I'm not sure he added much overall.
  5. I don't like the way the USGA sets up Open courses. I don't mind a challenging track at all, but their setups require players to hit shots to postage stamp sized targets, and if you miss that, you're often penalized severely. It's kind of like extreme miniature golf for adults because so many of the greens are just silly. I also don't think rough that's as thick as shag carpeting is necessary.
  6. I was at the memorial service for Dr. Frank Jobe. One of the doctors from his team said as they looked at major league rosters these days, there was something crazy like 60% of pitchers have had the surgery.
  7. if phil never wins the US Open, i'll bet it's the first even he wins on the senior tour.
  8. yep. it's his time. if phil wins this week, spieth wins the PGA, and rory wins at augusta next april, that'll be three guys completing the career grand slam inside of a year. that'd be pretty amazing.
  9. i'd prefer three holes, but this is definitely better than a full 18.
  10. and here all i was worried about was businesses having to get new stationary printed up because of area code changes to their phone numbers.
  11. LOL. fool me once, shame on you . . .
  12. vegetarians are pretty mellow. it's the radicalized vegans that are a PITA. i'm following a couple of vegetarian/vegan groups on facebook. had to drop one of them because the vegans were insane. bunch of intolerant SJWs who saw evil lurking behind shadow, and then wanted to condemn people in the harshest way possible for anything and everything.
  13. no mention of young? that's an awful lot of rapid change. not sure how well that would play.
  14. it's a first step and i don't think anyone realistically thought this meeting would solve all our issues with them. but, it's a starting point for more discussions and hopefully some significant changes.
  15. dora the explorer and veggie tales. she actually enjoyed listening to oldies with us and absorbed a lot more about it than we realized.
  16. Hopefully he wasn't purchased by a Japanese investor...
  17. Yep. We're headed to Disneyland tomorrow and junior plans on playing Disney music the whole way there and the whole way back home.
  18. if they do, none of us will ever know about it . . .
  19. maybe she was working for the cia and just couldn't tell anyone about it.
  20. if she offers you some rabbit stew, decline it immediately.
  21. ha ha. the car CD player is a fun journey for a few years. just wait till your daughter discovers her first boy band and insists on having their music playing in the car so she can impress her other 12-year old friends with how hip she is. we still have 3 one direction CDs in the glove box . . .
  22. when does the del mar season open? have to do this before august 3.
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