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Everything posted by Tank

  1. always enjoyed the historical things people brought in and the info Rick (or one of his experts) always knew about them. i stopped watching because i can't stand how scripted and horribly boring all the crappy nonsense is at the end of each show with chumlee.
  2. surprised to hear he was 77. figured he was 5-10 years older than that from the first day.
  3. Still find it amazing that while our starting pitching has been depleted and we don't have a terribly talented bullpen and the offense gets colder than a witches' tits in winter, yet people still want to fire the manager.
  4. The critics get their message out there, accurate or not, and people lap it up as truth. and it happens on both sides.
  5. Saw Solo this afternoon. Decent flick - not great, not awful. the Qi Ra girl left me a bit confused as to her importance down the road. Anyone know?
  6. Too many people base their opinion of whether or not the Angels are searching for talent based on rumors they read online or hear on talk radio. That's the wrong approach. Remember that this franchise historically plays things close to the vest. A lack of news does not equate to a lack of effort. We usually don't hear news about them until a deal is announced, and it's been that way since the Stoneman days. We should all be used to it by now.
  7. Vegas fans may be in for a rude awakening depending on how free agency goes.
  8. Hopefully not but I don't know how they're going to spend their money. That 70s line has been a very good line and I hope they keep them together. Doughty's contract is up next summer and I imagine he's going to be expensive. Hope they can afford him.
  9. I'm in! p.s. You have a really big backyard. That's great!
  10. I think the offense and the bullpen are co-mvps tonight.
  11. Just turned the game on in the 7th and saw that. Figured this thread would at about 45 pages by now. btw, nice bat flip by valbuena. 448 feet is a blast.
  12. One of my high school friends is/was a roadie for Pantera. He's pretty shaken up by this.
  13. These are not the illegal aliens you're looking for...
  14. Our school already does a jog-a-thon, and it hasn't done all that well. Plus, I don't really want to compete with current fundraisers run by administration or our PTA, so no cookie dough or cheesecake fundraisers, either. When my wife was the school secretary, she used to sell pencils, the fancy colored never crazy design ones. She did pretty darn well with that, so I'm leaning towards that as an option. I'm grateful for the good ideas offered in this thread, everyone.
  15. Hey, why didn't I think of that! Now where did I put my roll of Angry Birds duct tape...
  16. Team store should have them any day now. or you can do what I like to do . . . Just take a t-shirt and some masking tape, and wa-la! You've got a jersey.
  17. At what point do you say to yourself "you know, I've tried medicine and diet, but I wonder what would happen if I drank some dog piss."
  18. okay. <walks away shaking head wondering WTH did i just read>
  19. good ideas, except we're adventists, and adventists don't dance. i'm considering selling healthy snacks during our morning snack break. probably be able to make a few bucks there. our PTA . . . hmm, may be worth considering. Not aware of grant options but plan on hitting up some of our vendors and see about donations. thanks.
  20. i just knew this was a fake photo. they just keep manipulating the public, and the public keeps lapping it up.
  21. she's going to blow this whole thing up.
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